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took a while, but here it is! started to feel like i'm making it worse by adding more stuff and details, so i think it is the right moment to wrap it up. hope you all are gonna like it and thank you for all the suggestions about Oracle's accessories. i opted for an earring and a laptop. also yellow socks as a nod to her yellow bat-boots. :)

p.s. i kinda hoped nobody would mention her scar and i will impress everyone with adding this details, but oh well! :D it was a truly great suggestion by nowakownik111



Chris Harris

With that expression, I'd say the bed sheet needs a wet spot 😏

The Nerd Cave

God I love this art so much! Only thing that could make it better is adding either Huntress or Nightwing

Kyle Rayner

Excellent work! I love that you included the scar.