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Hello everyone!

First of all my biggest and best news in a while: we're getting married! I proposed to the girlfriend several days ago and she said 'yes'. We've been dating for almost 10 years by now, which is, you know, enough time to make sure that we made the right choice. :D

Now that creates a strong financial need for setting up a celebration (however small and modest it's going to be) in addition to the overall situation in Russia where the risk of losing my ways of income grows higher every day. So I decided to make a very bold move and to accept commissions for next several months ahead.  Now an important note: everyone who's waiting for their commissions to be finished right now — don't you worry! I'm working on them and if everything goes according to schedule those are going to be finished at the end of this month/first week of May tops.

As for the new list, there will be several of them actually. This is the first one and it's designated for painting commissions only


  • 4 slots available
  • only one character per piece
  • no complex backgrounds, but some elements are welcome (furniture, background textures or jewelry, etc.)
  • characters of any genders are welcome. I'd prefer some established ones, but if you'd like to get an OC feel free to ask and provide references!
  • any degree of nudity is allowed!

Price: $450 (I have to increase it here, because the only way for me to receive a payment now is via patreon and it bites off a good chunk of any transaction plus this type of work is more time consuming therefore more expensive)

If you're interested, please, send me a DM here or on twitter @/thirstastic1. Not first come first served, so shoot your shot! 

The next list will be for several YCH commissions and will go up in a week or so with lower prices, closer to usual.
