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Don't know where to start so let's just get straight to the point. PayPal and almost every other payment service are now blocked in Russia. There are a couple of very specific ones, but either they don't work too well internationally or could be blocked any minute. I don't see a reason to waste time on setting up any new account because of it. Maybe I'll do it closer to the end of March, depending on how things are. Obviously, that means that I'm not able to accept any new commissions at the moment.

Patreon still functions, but I don't have access to my funds. They swear those are secured and won't go anywhere. So I guess I'll keep working on my monthly stuff as long as I can. I have one last idea how I might be able to withdraw funds out of here, but this is also under a big question mark right now.

Shit's tough and I'm starting to feel desperate. Thank you everyone who's still staying with me though. I hope I won't have to close this page down any time soon.  



that sucks to hear man :S the sanctions seem to be escalating. Hopefully this will all workout in some fashion before summer.


My heart goes out to you and everyone stuck in the same situation. :( Hang in there, you are in our thoughts 💝