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i was brought up to date on the totally not confusing logistics of psylocke's body, but now i get it! i think.

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I love how you make Psylocke/Kwannon look Asian and not generic with her features

Michał Wu

I really like this couple and I enjoyed them together in Hellions.


Awesome as always Dima. More Psylocke is always win and YAY Hellions)


So like, Psylocke/Liz Braddock was originally Captain Britain's sister, who wasn't a mutant, but Kwannon was, and then they got their minds switched and Kwannon died, so Liz got her powers. But now Kwannon in Liz's body is alive again and they got their minds switched *back*, but Liz still has her superpowers, or something? Did I get that right?


No, let me try to explain it to you my friend. Liz and Brian (Cpt Britain) are twins, and she is a mutant (he is not). She was created by Claremont in 1976 in a Captain Britain book but as you can imagine, was not that popular. Later when Claremont and Jim Lee did X-Men (90s) they decided to bring Betsy back as Psylocke (i have some reason to believe the reason she was drawn asian was because Jim Lee didn't even bother to look up who Betsy Braddock was). As you probably know because 90 X-Men were very popular, and fans love the idea of a sexy badass asian ninja chick they left it they way it was. Then Claremont (in his fashion) decided to write a story which explains why Betsy (a white woman from England) suddenly became asian fem-fatale. Mojo (fat ugly douchebag from Mojoverse) abducts Betsy and a woman named Kwannon (mutant assassins working for the hand) and swaps their minds. So Betsy gets Kwannon's body and vice-versa. Later Kwannon (in Betsy's body) dies from legacy virus so Betsy got stuck in a totally hot Kwannon body. They both had similar powers btw, so it was just a convenient thing that Claremont did. Comics are totally not complicated am i right?)) Hope that helps😉


Ah Psylocke, now that's a real can of worms for a sexy ninja lady. Good job here.