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couldn't make myself to lewd it up too much and also wanted to stay away from all of the usual obvious "tiny wasp on a huge p*nis" options i so decided to go for something softcore

also i have a pretty cool idea for the second january special, which i'm going to start workin on tomorrow
stay tuned ;) 




You could've had her standing before a giant snatch to mix it up 🤔🤔 (I'm only half serious w that) Amazing work though, regardless! This turned out/works incredibly well


I actually really like this idea as it works much better with Wasps powers and a little play on her namesake, as some wasps can be pollinators. It’s a very 90s pin up style and I think it works better than full blown hardcore Lewds

Chris Harris

Nothing wrong with tasteful nudes. Of course there's nothing wrong with lewds either ;). Balance is the key.


wow :O

Oh God She's Loose

You could have had her posing on a slice of cheesecake ;) But the flower is another excellent choice and suits your style quite well