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this shouldn't have happened, but it did and i can't describe how grateful i am!  so let me try to explain what's going to happen in the near future, now that the goal is reached, because i myself kinda didn't expect it to become a reality so soon.   

right now I have a shit-ton of commissions i have to get done in the next couple of months. i'd say that my end goal is to reduce the number of commissioned pieces i have to do overall, hence why those are closed for an undisclosed amount of time and i don't think i'll re-open them right after i get all of the current work done. however i can't full stop it right away, because of all that "moving into a new place" and ongoing renovation stuff that sucks money out of my pockets like a vacuum cleaner.   

all of this is because:
1) as expected i've grown a bit tired of constantly doing commissions for the last four or five years, because of the very nature of that kind of work (not a lot of room for creativity, especially lately, when people stopped asking for redesigns and i had several clients with very specific and detailed ideas/designs for their characters, which is not a bad thing in itself, of course, but after a dozen of such pieces almost in a row, well... you got the point)
2) i really like what we have going on here: collectively deciding which character to draw, throwing in some ideas from a lot of people. you guys have been very kind to ultimately let me have the final word in all of that and leave some room for my  creativity (it is pretty weak, but still), so i'd like to concentrate on that in the future.   

what i really want is to keep everything as is for all of the tiers for a while, but dedicate more time and effort that go into reward pieces, hopefully raising up the quality of those, and share more processes and wips. plus make more pieces of my own, because i got some ideas both SFW and NSFW written down, but had no time to bring them to life. now i'll have it thanks to y'all! anyway there probably won't be like a huge comics project or anything like that from me down the line, because after several tries, i just gave up and understood that this is not for me. i'm not built for that kind of work and i just suck at stories in general. so SMUT IT IS, i guess. :D i'd probably be interested in making a sketchbook or an artbook or something like that in the future, but nothing too particular at the moment.  

once again, thanks everyone for staying here and supporting my work. this means a lot and i truly hope you're enjoying it. :)   

for now, have a little peek at my current starfire/shulkie commission!  



Chris Harris

Congratulations! It's a well deserved milestone.


Damn, I should've commissioned you before when I had the chance. Oh well. I'm glad you've reached the milestone, and glad I could've been a part of it. Keep up the good work.


Congrats dude on the milestone. I feel your pain on the renovations side of things! Happy to continue to support you in any way I can

Robert Ferree

Congrats man you really deserve it and I love the piece you did for me last year and can't wait to get the other piece and possibly the other you and I talked about which I am very excited to see when you can do it