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Okay, so guys, I had another one of those responsibility breakdowns where I start to feel super conscious for not delivering enough to you for the price I’m asking for, especially in comparison to other much more talented artists. But since I’m already full of work and have not enough subscribers here to make patreon a full time thing (yet) where I could stop doing regular commissions, maybe lowering the price of my $15 tier to $10 would be a good trade off here. And patreon is kinda complicated about it and I can’t just change the price, so all of you will have to manually change your tier I suppose? Has anyone done anything like that before? What do you think about this whole idea? Let me know.



I think you're doing fine mate. I don't see the need to change anything at this point. Sure other artists may post more but this is about quality not quantity. People are following you for your art and because they like what they're getting. Keep at it mate.


Seconding this, I have no reservations about paying the amounts set. The quality shows and in the end, the most important part for me is supporting the artist.


Dima, I think you are doing a great amount of work. I certainly feel like I'm getting my $15 worth and you have been incredibly responsive to people's suggestions. I can't speak for anybody else, but I have no interest in switching to a lower rate :)


We're definitely getting a LOT of good content for the price. Please don't feel obligated to lower the price, your work is amazing and I've never felt disappointed once