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About the upcoming scene

My plan for releasing another scene before the end of the month still applies. It will be a short scene with Belline and will include a rough / handicapped position.

I will try to make something interesting yet again: Instant Loss 2 Koma.

Not sure how I can describe it to those who are not familiar with it but I guess I can say that it's basically before & during s*x with a side-by-side view of female. Like the image you see. "Haha no s*x for you / wow this is so good," kind of stuff...

Some personal stuff

My irl goal right now is to quit smoking. I'm at the beginning of my 20s and I don't want to drag this out or keep telling myself that I will quit "tomorrow."

I had my tries in the last couple weeks but when I'm working on scenes I want my dose of nicotine so it distracts me too much and I crave for it. So, after I'm done with this scene I will work on this addiction in a "stress free" environment.

I will however, still work on new stuff when I feel like it. But don't expect a release in the next 10-15 days after this scene is done because as I said, I will focus on quit smoking. Though there will be at least 1 scene next month.

So yeah, basically I will take a small break from everything to quit smoking.


I hope the image is a good example for Instant Loss 2 Koma :D




good luck, for was acupuncture a big help to stop the physikly pressure. Bud no lies, your body needs minimum 6 Months to transform the receptors for nikotin


Thanks. I can resist the urge but when I'm working it's extra distracting. And I need to "remember" what I was doing during a break from anything before :D


I'm currently working on the scene and as I said it will be short. You can expect a release even in 24 hours. The extended version will include an extra position.


Good luck on kicking that nasty habit. I've done it myself after years and a partner that was also smoking. Keep at it and it does get easier.

E Sanders

For me it was substituting Nicorette for smoking. That way I could first stop the habit of smoking without going through the nicotine withdrawals. At first I was consuming just as much nicotine as smoking. Then I reduced the amount over a couple of months and would substitute regular gum.

Moroda Raye

Have you tried vaping caliburn makes an awesome pod system

Moroda Raye

You're still getting nicotine with it but I'm able to breathe about 90% better after switching


Didn't try any other stuff and honestly I don't want to "switch" or use something else and instead completely drop it.


The way I quit was, I bought a shit ton of lollipops and just constantly had one in my mouth. After a couple of months or so it wasn't as hard for me to stay away from the cancer sticks. It's now been 3 years since I quit


Ecigs were a magic bullet for me. I was 2 packs a day for 20 years. Tried everything to quit. Bought an e-cig in March 2008 and haven't had a cigarette since. And e-cigs were garbage back then. The change in my health was significant and fast. I turned into a gym rat. Pandemic killed the gym, but I bought a weight bench and then VR for cardio. Turns out VR is good for other stuff too.


If you pick that route though, make sure to brush your teeth more often. Don't want any cavities lmao.


Sending strength your way. I went cold turkey at 35. Extremely hard and wanted to murder everyone but it was so worth it. I'm not an 'in moderation' kind of guy so I knew I had to go cold turkey. You deserve the future you're creating for yourself by quitting!!!

Filmoe Skrawts

Get a vape and taper your self off.easiest quit I ever did just make sure to find a professional shop with employees that can recommend what you need and not what they are trying to upsell folks on. Generally if they are trying to show you vape tricks flee the scene with great haste and find a different shop and it’s better to find a shop that specializes in selling only vape products so not at some local bodega that happens to have overpriced vape mods.


Thanks. I get mad when things aren't organized but ironically I mostly go with the flow. I want to completely drop it too so we'll see how it'll end up. My last couple tries lasted 2-3 days before I started to smoke again. Trying to work & trying to quit smoking at the same is extremely hard. Even when I dropped it a couple days, the changes were huge so that makes me more eager to drop it compeltely.


Don't want to put something else in the place of "smoking". Just completely drop it and deal with it, but if I can't manage to do it by will power, I guess I'll have to go for other alternatives such as this.


Yeah, even a couple days without smoking shows great improvement over my overall health. Currently I want to drop it completely. If my mind remembers what I was doing during any break I'll probably be able to handle the "crisis" better. I'm a smoker for 3-4 years. Told myself that I'll drop it before I hit 30. There is still a very looong way to reach that point but recently I started to smoke too much to the point that wherever I go, after a week all the cashiers in every local shop starts to recognize me and pull out a pack of cigar before I even reach to the counter :D Staying at home due to pandemic is the biggest reason for it I guess. So I decided to put an end to it.


Tried toothpicks and gums before. Sadly, they mostly make me realise that I need to smoke.

Moroda Raye

Good luck more power to you man one day at a time 👍

Matt Rogers

Friend who smoked x20 years just quit with Chantix. Said it was a game changer!