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Hey there folks! I'm pleased to announce that starting today (Saturday Jan. 20th) I'm going to begin hosting a monthly movie day in my Discord server! Going forward starting in February I plan to have it on the second Saturday of every month at noon PST. Movies are selected from those suggested by folks in the server and will be voted on at 11:50, ten minutes before the movie starts. I hope that this is a good way for folks to spend a couple hours together and looking forward to something new in server every month. If this sounds fun, please consider checking out the $10 tier and I hope you have a great day regardless. :)




How do we join the discord if we are apart of the prestigious?


Hi Anthony, you need to link your Discord account to Patreon. Here is a guide on how to do that: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Getting-Discord-access#h_01FEHWFEG74VEG6NV146DE93ST