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Anyone here remember Dragon's Crown for the PS3? It had some seriously exaggerated designs for the majority of its characters: Men, women, monsters, you name it! I purchased and played it back in the day, one because I'm a sucker for fantasy beat-em-up titles, especially ones with beautiful art design... But two, and most importantly, because the dwarf looks like this! XD His look very much pushes to my limits of what I find attractive, (Normally I'm not into dudes this er, vascular) but for some reason when it's a wide ol' dwarf I'm super okay with it. This is a character I've meant to illustrate many times over the years and just kept forgetting. Happily something rattled loose recently and we have this short king to enjoy! This piece took awhile too but I hope you're as happy with the end result as I am!



El Pringle

These proportions do it for me dang


Pretty fun right? I usually like that gigantic top half and little bottom half on a cartoony big boy.


A very handsome and sexy old dwarf with his mighty manly body 😍😍😍