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Hello and I hope you folks are having a lovely spring!

Firstly I apologize for not getting last month's Kobold's Bodyguard page done in time - I promise it's on the way! For what it's worth, I had a very good reason, well a few of them actually. On memorial day I was at a barbecue event that my husband was hosting, and while we were eating and enjoying time with friends, we discovered 3 baby kittens hiding near and under his storage shed. His business is on a very busy street and we knew it wouldn't be safe to leave them there. Not only that we couldn't find hide nor hair of the mother and realized she may have abandoned them or been hit by a car already. Over the next 24 hours we were able to capture all of them and take them to our home where we set them up in a large pet crate with bedding, water, litter etc. The next few days were very chaotic (in a good way!) with bottle-feeding, cleaning, treating their eye infections and playing with them. While they were in our home I got very little sleep, and couldn't focus on anything except for their care. Not a complaint mind you but I got basically zero work done for a few days.

The kittens are healthy, weaned now onto wet kitten food, and their eyes are all cleared up. We gave them to a local sanctuary and they are now being fostered by a family who has more time and are more used to this kind of thing. When they are old enough they will be fixed, microchipped and able to be adopted. My husband and I are getting one of them to be a little brother to our current cat,  Willoughby. He's the one we caught first and bonded with immediately, a beautiful little silver tabby. Some friends of ours are also planning on adopting another sibling, so I think it's fair to say all things considered it ended up best case scenario for these little strays. (PSA: Please spay and neuter your pets!!!)

All this to say, I haven't been being lazy but real life intervenes in some surprising and occasionally wonderful ways. I am back to work again now and getting new stuff done so please look forward to seeing it! Lastly, I have been feeling more and more confined by my own content and will be adding the occasional non-porn piece into the mix. We're still talking about handsome men here but I'm finding more days in a month where I don't just want to draw dicks and assholes. This doesn't mean any drastic changes in my content, it just means a little more breadth of work. Naked men will continue to be the main focus, BUT, I am realizing for my longevity in this profession, I would like to be able to draw some men without the heavy sexual bent too, occasionally.

Thank you for your support and understanding. Wherever you live, I hope the month brings you happiness. :]




Kitten Kare is self care

Keith J. Farmer

I for one look forward to future kitten art


Honestly I love all the art you make DB. Even if the men are fully clothed, they’ll still be sexy as hell.


I didn’t follow for the sex, it was a bonus lol! I think the bodyguard comic has been a good mix of sex and story- so once they’re done in the cave can’t wait to see what happens after! I’m sure the rest of your art will be just as good.

Captain Czar

Sounds like an exciting direction for your art!


We love you DB!


Kittens always come first!