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Uh-huh. 'Begging.'

Also yay, lots of expression practice on this page!




This is the favorite thing I follow on Patreon! Expressions on Gren convey the perfect emotions during the scenes and help along the story. Very well done! On story: Fair IS fair, especially when he didn’t say his dislikes at the start for Gren to have choice. IF Gren wants this to continue, I hope Gren plows his face hard while human ends up getting a mouthful, then begging for more of that blue dick at his other end! Stupid jerk human doesn’t know how lucky is to be with a sexy stud like Gren!


Grumpy Gren looks cute ^^


Mauro is trying to play the "I'm straight" card. Lol.

David Keith

It's a happy day when I find a new page to the story.


good boy, gren. know what you're worth.


Not Mauro fucking up the vibes!!! I know that’s right Gren!


He works for him anyway so he should feel a sense of obligation to reciprocate…he started this whole thing.


Omg such a teaser


Grumpy Gren is just sooo cute. You have to love him.


What little respect I was starting to have for Mauro just went RIGHT out the window. Bite him, Gren!

The Valeyard

This is probably a random thought, but I'm weirdly reminded of Jinbe from 'One Piece' when seeing Gren's face in the second-to-last panel on this page. Maybe it's the perma-frown look he's got going with his "angy" expression?


His pouty face is so damn cute jesus christ