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"Hmph." The old farmer muttered as he felt his blind companion feeling his way up his muscular thigh. "Don't tell me this is something I need to train you to do too?"

Kenshi Takahashi laughed, knowing very well that his teacher, Kuai Liang, was just egging him on. "'Train?' No. But I wouldn't mind you pulling those cheeks apart for me. Hard to believe you're still so tight with how frequently we find ourselves shaking this rickety bed."

The former assassin allowed himself a smirk as he reached behind and pulled his ass open for his eager student. Lacking sight as he was, Kuai had taught him well to take in his surroundings as surely as he was prepared to take in the younger man. The two of them had lived on Kuai's farm for many months now, and what started as self-defense instruction had become much more intimate only recently. 


It was several weeks ago when Kenshi had first slipped into his bed in the middle of the night. The farmer, after bolting upright to a seated position had gripped the interloper's wrists tightly and hoisted him bodily to his knees.

"What the hell are you playing at, boy?!" He hissed. Indeed, his instincts had first told him the sudden intrusion was an attempt on his life, but a moment later, even in the darkness of the creaky house he could see the look on Kenshi's face told a different tale.

"Kuai, I... Maybe I shouldn't have done this, I'm sorry, but..." His voice trailed off, surprising, considering he often had trouble keeping his mouth shut during training. "I wanted to thank you, for all that you've given me this past season."

"What are you talking about? You don't owe me anything."

"Yes I do, of course I do. You saved my life and then," He paused. "Gave me a reason to keep living."

"Don't be so dramatic."

"Don't dismiss my words!" The younger man pulled his hands free of Kuai's powerful grip, which had lessened significantly. "We've gotten close haven't we? Master and apprentice but, I'd say beyond that we're friends now, right?"

Kuai thought on that for a moment. "Sure, I suppose."

Kenshi continued, "And you like having me here, I know you do, and I'm happy to stay."

"Could've waited 'til morning to tell me that but, I'm glad to hear it. So, um, why are you straddling me in the middle of the night, and only wearing your loincloth?" He of course had pieced it together by then, but he supposed he wanted to hear the reason from Kenshi's own lips.

Kenshi tilted his head and a shy smile slid over his mouth. "All those years you spent in the Lin Kuei: men training hard together, sleeping next to one another, bathing, closer than brothers you must have been. I imagine that sometimes, you helped each other find release?"

"That was a very long time ago."

"But you aren't denying it either."

"I've had my share of nights spent in the company of men, and all that that might entail, yes."

"And do you find me attractive?"

The man once called Sub Zero let out a low sigh. "Even if I did, what would a handsome idiot in his prime want with a scarred-up old farmer like me?"

"I don't need my sight to tell how sexy you are."

Kuai felt genuine shock for a moment and he opened his mouth to offer another protest, but his heartbeat had quickened at the prospect of easing his loneliness for a night. That, and Kenshi had already sensed his hesitation and moved forward, reaching out with both hands to find the older man's bearded face. This time when Kuai took him by the wrists it was gentle as he guided their mouths together. He even wondered, briefly, if part of the reason he had rescued Kenshi from the desert on that fateful night was the faint glimmer of hope that they might come to this. Even as Kenshi pushed his tongue into his mouth and the fingers of his right hand slipped under the fabric of his tenting loincloth, he felt himself amazed that he would get to experience these sensations again after so long. 

The next hour the two moved together expertly, like practiced lovers. They knew the other's body so well from countless hours of sparring, work and toil, though never quite in this way. Each man was interested and receptive in how they explored mouths, genitals, armpits and nipples that belonged to the other. The memory of taking another man into his throat was faint, but Kuai was eager to regain the knowledge. Even as he tasted his friend's maleness, Kenshi responded in turn. They used their mouths to fully explore one another, from neck to knee, though when the younger man attempted to roll Kuai onto his stomach and expose his most private entrance, he was met with opposition.

"Tomorrow night, after I've gotten prepared for that."

"So this is something you'd like to continue then?"

"You're rough around the edges, but maybe with some instruction and refinement--"

"Oh shut your mouth, old man." Kenshi said and leaned down to kiss him again.

Another hour and they had spilled their seed, sweaty and tangled by the other's limbs. The smell of their exerted bodies hung heavily in the air. Kuai Liang wanted to say something, but this had never been his arena of expertise. He wished he could tell Kenshi he hadn't been so happy in his entire memory as living here together with him, that he never wanted him to leave, but he knew it wouldn't be worded like that. Somehow he'd say something gruff or off-putting and risk hurting this beautiful young man in his arms. Instead he said nothing and pulled Kenshi closer to his chest. Kenshi, for his part, was better with words.



"I know we haven't spoken about it but, can I stay here with you?"

"You already are, if you hadn't noticed."

"I mean, with you, with you. Like this? See where this might be going?"

"Sooner or later I'm gonna need to feed the chickens, water the tomatoes--"

"Oh my god, yeah alright, make jokes, never mind."

The younger man began to roll away, obviously getting annoyed, but the farmer held him more tightly than ever. "I said 'sooner or later,' didn't I? For now, I can't have you going anywhere. You belong right here, with me."

"I thought you don't believe in saying 'I can't?'"

"Just go to sleep, smartass."

And sleep found the pair easily, for a change. Kuai had suffered terrible nightmares which plagued him about his past for years. The truth of it was that he couldn't remember a time where he didn't wake up suddenly and terrified. Yet, and remarkably, when he awoke at last in the morning, it was with a well-rested yawn and a hopeful feeling as he looked down at the man still cradled in his arms. For the first time in too many years to recall, he dared to look forward to the future.



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