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One of the new and upcoming familiars in Ni No Kuni Crossworlds (that expensive-ass mobile MMORPG that I keep playing because of characters like this! Grrr) that is right up my alley! I can't remember his Japanese name but in English I *think it's getting localized to Sage Reindeer. He's a cute AF little healer guy who stays at the back of your team keeping them safe and healthy. You guys know the drill for me: Put a big ol' grey/white beard or mustache on a fella and I'll probably wanna fuck him, lol.




Sending pics of big, gray beard and mustache...

It's Jake

I'm sorry I called you a goat. But you're so cute and tiny and have that cute little paunch....................................................so............CUTE


He's so fuckin' cute! And he's getting added to global later this month! XD