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Dino Trucker

Story by Dudebulge

It would be getting dark in about an hour and I was finding myself more anxious by the moment. It was late November in Alberta, and though unseasonably warm for this time of year, it was still just above freezing and was only getting colder as I kept my arms crossed tightly over my chest. While I wandered around the empty parking lot I continuously looked for a signal on my phone.

‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!’ I kept muttering both in my head and out loud as the device’s display only showed one bar.

A sudden gust picked up and felt like it was blowing icy needles directly through my jeans and winter coat. I could practically hear my testicles whimper as they pulled up tighter for warmth.

In truth, most of this whole thing was my own damn fault, and if I got out of this alive, I’d have plenty of time to blame myself.

I had only recently moved out to Alberta from Ontario, about a year ago. I was managing to make a living online, so I worked from home, with a bedroom converted into a studio where I ran a podcast and posted videos about video games. Ever since I was a kid I loved playing games, almost more than anything else, and I hadn’t been a kid for about 25 years. Still, the content did well-enough that I got some sponsorships, guest speakers occasionally, and just enough money to leave the suburbs of Toronto where I had grown up and move to a little town outside Calgary where I could just barely afford a two bedroom house of my very own. I was ‘living the dream’ as it were. Why move halfway across the country to a little town when I had been a city boy my whole life? Sometimes, we just need to challenge ourselves a little, or get a major change of scenery. It definitely had nothing to do with the fact that one of my best online friends never shut up about how hot the dino men out here were… Definitely not, that would be a stupid reason to move anywhere. Okay, maybe that was a tiny factor in my decision-making.

Of course, all that was moot if I froze to death in an empty parking lot first. I took stock of my surroundings again: There was a souvenir shop, closed, which wouldn’t be open again until the following morning. If it got too cold, I could always find something, a rock maybe to break in and find shelter for the night. I really didn’t want to vandalize the property, but I wanted to die of exposure or hypothermia even less. I knew there were tiny towns somewhere around the park, but they were many kilometers away, and I’d be walking in the dark. It was also well-known that primal dinosaurs lived in the wilds around here, and I’d likely be supper if I ran into any of them. I had feathers which ran from my tail tip up my back and fluffed out around my neck, and they helped with the cold, but maybe only as much as a scarf for a human might.

I had been stranded for an hour already and was starting to feel desperate when I felt faint shaking beneath my feet. Seconds later I heard a large vehicle in the distance. I craned my neck and looked up the road. There were some rock formations blocking the view for about half a kilometer but then it rumbled into view - an immense red truck, towing a long trailer behind it. My heart leapt up into my throat! Salvation! Whoever this person was I’m sure they at least had a radio, and if I was nice, maybe even a lift back to civilization!

The truck I could tell even from a distance was dino-driven. It was taller than most vehicles, sturdier, with larger wheels. It made sense for Dino people to be truckers, and construction workers, a lot of the labor industry workforce actually. Our size, well, for most of us comes with perks of increased strength and stamina. Unloading a truck, even one this size is often not much bother depending on the species driving it.

I backed up toward the souvenir shop and let the truck slow to a stop. I couldn’t quite see the driver, high up as he was but he clearly had seen me, the lone person in a 30 kilometer radius and probably wanted to hear what I had to say for myself. The big rig’s engine shuddered to a stop and the driver side door opened.

“Y’alright there, guy?” Boomed the voice of the driver down at me.

He wore a trucker hat, red flannel over a grey t-shirt and fraying jeans. An impressively-sized theropod, seemingly covered in shaggy brown feathers save for his face and throat. There were also striking bluish accents along his snout, eye ridges and top of his head.

“Uh, well, funny story,” I began. “Stupid story really. I didn’t mean to get stuck out here but I was wondering if–”

“You need a lift somewhere?” He interrupted.

“Oh, I was just going to ask to use your radio but, a lift would be even better!”

“Hm. You need to be somewhere tonight?”

I wasn’t sure I understood. “I mean I, don’t want to spend it in a parking lot.”

“You look like you’re freezing your ass off, go ahead and climb up.” The man instructed me.

I walked around to the other side of his cab and hesitated. If this fellow had any ill intentions, I wasn’t sure what I could do about it. My species was built lithe and for speed. Though I had strong jaws in my own right, he was damn near twice my size. Still, what real choice was there? Hopefully he was just a decent, normal dude. I grabbed the handle of the door and swung it open before nimbly climbing up and into the warm vehicle. Immediately I could taste cigar smoke in the air, fast food and the faint scent of sweat. Together, it was rather a welcoming mixture of smells.

“Oh that warm air feels good!” I sighed as I sat down on the passenger side.

“Think that’s nice? We got heated seats in here too!” The large man said as he pressed a button on his dashboard. “Can’t run ‘em for too long with the engine off but we’ll get you nice and toasty.”

“Wow, you spoil all your errant vagabonds this way?”

“Uh, what now?” He raised one of his brightly-colored turquoise eyebrows.

“Nothing, thanks I appreciate the help.”

“No problem. Now, what I was asking before was, you got a schedule to keep? Cuz I was actually just planning on parking my rig here until morning.”

“Oh.” I hadn’t really considered why he was out here, but I supposed that made sense. “Well I wanted to get started with my work first thing tomorrow, but I am my own boss, so I guess it can wait…” I started to get nervous again. I had just told him that no one would be expecting me tonight and he had told me we weren’t going anywhere until tomorrow. My brain started reminding me of horror movies that started out like this. Maybe he could see the trepidation on my face.

“I often stop out here for the night, when I’m on my way through this part of the province. This place is always closed on Tuesdays and I can just park, enjoy a night to myself and check out the scenery. Never seen another soul out here until you. So what’s up with that?”

The man gently scratched at the thicket of feathers covering his upper lip. Not often I’d meet a fellow dino with a mustache, but it suited him. He had a directness about him which I liked, and it made me feel a little more at ease that he wanted more information about me.

“I only moved out here a couple weeks ago, and don’t have a car yet. I had to sell it to help with the moving expenses. Anyway, this place, Dinosaur Provincial Park, is somewhere I’ve always wanted to visit and this was my first chance. My mom and dad used to talk about bringing me here one day and well, that never happened.”

“Somethin’ happen to them?”

“Car accident when I was nine.”

“Oh shit I’m real sorry.”

“Stuff happens, it was a long time ago but, uh, thanks for that. Anyway. As soon as I was unpacked and got my work stuff set up, I grabbed a DinoLyft out here to see it for myself. I guess in my eagerness, or maybe because I’m an idiot, I failed to notice they aren’t open on Tuesdays. But, I still wanted to look around, maybe do a little hiking since the fare was kind of expensive. I told the guy to wait for me, said I’d tip him really well, but I guess he had other plans? Or maybe I took too long? Anyway, I hiked for about an hour, took some pictures on my phone and came back to the parking lot to find–”

“That he ditched you?”

“Yup, that he literally just drove off and left me here to freeze.”

“Wow, what a scumbag!” The big fella said and shook his head.

“Yeah, I think that’s fair to say.”

“Shit well, uh, oh yeah I haven’t even introduced myself have I? Name’s Barry, Barry Alberson.” He stuck out his formidable, clawed hand for me to shake.

“I’m David.” I said and returned the handshake. Though I appreciated him giving his full name, I wasn’t completely convinced that I wanted to do the same.

“Good to meet ya David.” He said and smiled.

“You too.” And then, to lighten the mood I added: “Barry huh? Like where are you gonna ‘bury’ my body after?”

The trucker just looked at me and I quickly realized that wasn’t his style of humor.

I shook my head. “Sorry, dumb joke.”

“Bury you? What would there be to bury after I ate your skinny ass, eh?” He said and winked.

I laughed, a bit nervously, but surprisingly it made me feel more comfortable around him. Maybe we had some stuff in common, if only a somewhat morbid sense of humor.

“Actually though, I am a bit hungry. Before I drove out here I stopped by a Pronto Bronto and ordered a few burgers. Would you like one?” He offered.

“Normally, trying to be polite I would decline, but I am cold and starving so yes please, that sounds so good right now! I wasn’t even gonna dare hope for food, the warmth of your truck was welcome enough!”

He chuckled and lifted up out of his seat to go back into the small apartment of his cab. I watched him go, because I’m not overly familiar with how truckers live on the road, but also now that I was starting to like the guy a bit, I was also starting to find him more attractive. He was already good-looking in a rugged man’s man way, but now that we were adding some hospitality into the mix? Dude was shaping up fine as fuck!

He returned after a minute or so with a couple large brown bags and I could smell the burgers which were still warm in their wrappers.

“You like pickles?” He asked.

“They’re alright.”

“Oh, well I get mine smothered in ‘em so you can just pick yours off and give ‘em to me if you don’t wanna eat ‘em okay?”

“Sure thing, Barry.”

We unwrapped our sandwiches and even after his warning I was still… Impressed? Disgusted? By the ridiculous amount of pickles on mine.

“You weren’t kidding were you, about the pickles?”

“Oh hell no, I don’t mess around, I love ‘em so much! I actually had to tell the guy at the window, ‘hey, if I can see a patty under there when I lift up the bun, you folks better add more pickles to my burger!’”

I laughed. “That’s kind of a lot of green stuff for a carnivore, eh?”

“I mean, it’s still mostly meat, okay, barely, but still, I’m doin’ alright!” He said and smirked.

I scooped the pickles off into a serviette and offered it to him, to which he nodded his thanks.

“So Dave, you uh, Deinonychus?” He asked, making conversation.

“Not bad, close honestly, my family are Adasauruses. But you never know, maybe one of my great-grandparents was Deinonychus.”

“Shoot, well at least I was in the ballpark.” Barry said and shrugged.

“And I take it you’re an Albertosaurus?”

“What gave it away?”

“I suppose the fact that we’re in Alberta, your last name is Alberson, and if those clues weren’t enough, your ancient ancestors are buried all around us, probably with some not so ancient primal equivalents still lingering out there somewhere.” I said, holding up a finger for each of my points as I made them.

“It is a pretty common last name for my species, I’ll give you that.” He smiled, showing off his impressive teeth. Damn he looked good when he smiled.

We talked for another twenty minutes or so, nothing in particular, just little things about each of us and the time went by quickly. He really seemed to be a nice man, and in fairness my countrymen are somewhat known for that, my DinoLyft driver notwithstanding. Still, I needed to bring up one of the things he said earlier.

“You really can't, hopefully, get me back to civilization tonight?”

He frowned. “I mean, I can drive the forty minutes back to the nearest decently-sized town, drop you off, and then another forty to get back here before I crash for the night, but I gotta be up in about seven hours to start another leg of this drive. I really didn’t expect to meet anyone out here tonight, thought I’d just eat my dinner, rub one out and get some sleep.”

I was a bit surprised to hear him be so candid about his evening plans but he didn’t seem to notice.

“That makes sense, and I guess I’d be rude to ask you to do that anyway.”

“I can, if you really need me to, but, I don’t want to be a danger to myself or anyone else on the road tomorrow if I’m sleep-deprived y’know? And yeah there’s a motel in town but I don’t wanna spend the money for that and it doesn’t have parking for my truck.”

“I get it.” I said, and it was genuine. I was about to tell him I’d be happy to cover his motel cost when he told me his plan.

“Look, we’ve talked a little and you seem like a good guy, Dave. I didn’t want to ask you straight out cuz you might’ve been a weirdo, but if you want you can just crash on your seat there which reclines. It’ll stay real toasty in here with two of us, even with the engine off, and I have an extra blanket. First thing in the morning I wake up, drive us into town, drop you off and we part ways. That’s what I’m thinkin’ anyhow.”

Gosh. It wasn’t a bad plan really, and I was growing to trust the guy, at least enough that I didn’t think he was gonna murder me while I slept. I could sleep in the chair probably, just fine, and it was only for one night. And hey, if it got real cold maybe I could just ask to cuddle up with him in his bed! Kidding of course. The thought of him spooning me in his big, fluffy arms, getting his smell all over me was intoxicating, but after everything else I wasn’t gonna push my luck further. If the dude wasn’t into it I could find myself tossed out in the freezing cold again.

“Alright, it is a pretty comfortable seat. Thanks Barry, you’re really doing me a solid.”

“Okay, great. And thank you for not forcing me to drive back into town tonight, I really just want to relax a little before I pass out.”

“Sorry in advance if you’re not able to um, take care of all your nightly needs while I’m here.”


“You mentioned um, ‘rubbing one out’?”

“Oh shit!” He let out one great cab-shaking laugh. “I didn’t even mean to say that out loud, just kind of talking through what I needed to do tonight, er uh, not like needed to do, just like, normal shit.”

“You’re okay, I was just kind of taken aback. Didn’t think you’d want an audience for that.” I said and grinned.

Barry leaned over from his seat towards me. “Who says I wouldn’t huh? Nobody rides for free. Gas, grass or ass right? Lettin’ you off easy if you just watch me, eh?”

There was that humor again. Though, it was getting increasingly difficult to tell where the line was.

“I know you’re kidding but, I’ll be happy to give you some money for your trouble tomorrow.”

“No, no it’s fine. I’m headin’ that way already and it’s kinda nice to have the company.” He said and leaned back in his chair.

It did kind of get me curious though, and I didn’t have any trucker friends to ask about it so I figured ‘what the hell?’

“Has that ever happened before, Barry?”

“Has what?”

“Like you gave someone a ride or something and then they needed to pay with something other than cash?”

He gave me a bemused look and his head sort of titled to the side. “I don’t run a brothel out of my truck or ‘nothin.’”

“No, no, I just, I don’t know… Sometimes you hear rumors and stuff about truckers. How it gets lonely on the road…”

“Mind if I smoke? I’ll keep my window cracked.”

“Go ahead.” The truth was the odor of cigar smoke wafting around gave me a little charge. Shit I know they’re bad for you, I don’t smoke them, but I sure didn’t mind Barry lighting up, which he did a few moments later.

The Albertosaurus took a long drag and then released a slow, grey plume from between his lips which was sucked out into the cool evening air.

“So, I guess you’re not totally off base with your question. I know a lot of guys with stories like that, and there’s a certain uh, what’s the word, fetishization about my job. And we are on the road a lot, and it can be difficult to meet people. I’m sure you’ve heard rumors about truck stops and the like?”

“Yeah of course.”

“Not even sure I should tell you this, not sure what you’ll make of it.”

“Try me.”

“Well, I’ve been hit on a few times sure, but usually I don’t do anything about it. Call me old-fashioned maybe, or I’m just not really the type of guy to mix business and uh, other stuff. Alright, so this one time I was doing a really long-haul into the states, kind of a major expedited shipment with this newer guy, a Dimetrodon. I was showing him the ropes and also we needed to drive in shifts. Anyhow, nice enough guy, maybe ten years younger than me, probably around your age? My shift was ending, and he had woken up from the bunk for his, but we needed gas so I pulled us into a station and filled up the tanks. We hadn’t left yet and were just sitting in the cab for a couple minutes. I was just remarking that I hoped I wouldn’t have any trouble falling asleep cuz it’s always weird for me when someone else is driving my rig, so he says, get this, ‘I know what always helps me fall asleep,’ and proceeds to lean over and start undoing my belt!”

“Whoa, that’s forward.” I remarked.

“That’s what I said! So I kind of shove him back into his seat, and he gives me this confused look. He goes, ‘It’s just a blowjob Barry, and it’ll help you fall asleep. I’m really good at giving head, you’ll like it!’ And so I say, ‘I know what a fuckin’ blowjob is Gordie,’ oh the guy’s name was Gordie, I shoulda mentioned that before, anyway, he just shrugs and is like ‘suit yourself.’”

“I guess Gordie knows what he’s about.” I said and gave a little shrug. “So was it uncomfortable between you guys for the rest of the trip?”

Barry adjusted his fraying Roots cap and gave me sort of a sly grin. “Well why would it be? I told Gordie that he couldn’t just grab men by their belts and start tryin’ to get their pants off without askin’ first!”


“So he asked if he could suck me off, and I said ‘sure, since you’re bein’ polite about it now!’” He burst out laughing and I joined him.

“And how was he?” I asked after our laughter had subsided.

“I’ll say this for the dude: He really can suck a mean dick!” We laughed again.

“So much for not mixing business and pleasure, eh?” I said.

“Well, I still don’t go seeking it out, and if I had someone at home waiting for me I’d be faithful, but sometimes these things just happen y’know?”

“Sure, I can see that. Nothing like that in my line of work. I see basically no other living people, dinos or humans on any given day. I suppose in a way my work is as isolating as yours.”

“Huh.” He said.

“Like I love doing what I do, playing games, researching them, talking about them and creating stuff that I’m proud of to show others but, it keeps me really busy most days and… When I think about it I guess I haven’t been on like a real date in a couple years now.”

He gave me a knowing nod and said, “Here’s to us lonely guys.” before taking another pull on his cigar. I watched him slowly blow another cloud out his window and was struck by how handsome he looked in that moment.

There was silence in the cab for several seconds and then I mentioned that he had said he wanted to get to sleep before long.

“That’s true but, something I wanna ask you first, Dave.”

“Yeah, shoot.”

“Be honest, if I whipped it out right now, you’d be into that wouldn’t ya?”

I swallowed hard. We were back to that.

“I saw the way the front of your jeans got tight when I was telling that story, and you’re just my type too. Would be a shame if we didn’t have a little fun tonight wouldn’t it?”

I guess the cat was out of the bag on this one. I was so engorged, I mean engrossed in his story I didn’t even realize I was chubbing up, or that he was glancing at my crotch the whole time!

“What did you have in mind, Barry?” I asked and smiled.

“Heh, I knew it! Dinos of a feather, eh?”

“Looks that way.”

“Well, long before Gordie sucked me down, I’ve always been way into oral, both receiving and giving. How does that sound?”

“Okay! Yeah, it sounds great honestly!”

“Glad to hear it!” Barry said as he undid his belt and then pulled it clean out of his jeans with a lashing sound. He tossed it into the bunk cab behind us and lifted his rear from the seat so he could undo the zip of his fly. I watched, transfixed, while I undid my own snug-fitting jeans. Then he ground out his cigar in the mostly full ashtray on the dash and set the remainder of it on the rim.

“You wanna unwrap it?” He asked with a lewd grin.

“Be happy to!” I chirped and quickly found myself kneeling on the floor between our chairs. The bulge of his tighty-whities shone invitingly as I got eye-level with the thing. He really was big, I mean everywhere, and this monster, thinly-veiled by his cotton underwear would test even my limits. I moved closer and took a long whiff. Yup, Barry had certainly been on the road all day, his scent was strong down there but it just made me salivate more. My long tongue snaked out over my teeth and ran over his warm, throbbing maleness. My eyes closed as I inhaled again and I thanked my lucky stars for the unfortunate events that led me to the cab of this truck tonight.

“Fuck that’s hot, take it out for me would ya buddy?” Barry asked in a low growl.

I got my hands up and tucked two claws under the tight waistband of his undies before gently sliding them down, letting the Albertosaur’s heavy cock whap hard against his belly. My eyes had opened for this part, I wanted to take in every vein and wrinkle of the thing… literally! I tugged his jeans down a bit further so I could shove my nose into his densely-feathered ballsack and take another long sniff. Fuck it was like heaven! I got my tongue down there against his soft scrotal skin hidden under the downy feathers where it was musky and hot and enjoyed his strong flavor.

“Like that? Must be good and ripe for ya.” Barry commented.

I looked up and saw he was watching me contentedly through half-lidded coffee-colored eyes.


I began to move my way up his maleness, lazily lapping along his length, following the veins, feeling his blood pulse. I felt one of Barry’s big paws gently at the side of my face, guiding me up his shaft. Seems he was eager to have me take the damn thing in my mouth and stop teasing him so much. Fair enough.

When I reached his tip I was rewarded to find a clear, thick string of pre oozing out of his cockhead. Tangy, almost sour, I wondered if it was all the pickles. Still, it was uniquely his flavor and I was hooked immediately. My jaws opened wide as I used my strong tongue to pull him inside, careful of course with all my sharp teeth. As a quick aside, there are plenty of folks out there who seem to think we theropods can’t give good head because of our teeth, and I just want to say: that’s bullshit! Most of us have long, almost prehensile tongues that can wrap around a cock easily and give it exactly the kind of attention it deserves! Case in point!

Once my tongue had a good, wet grip on him it began to tug him towards my throat. Normally the guys I’ve been with are closer to my size and my maw provides enough on its own but Barry was something special and with each pass along his length he prodded several inches past my muzzle into my throat, almost eliciting a gag from me. Almost. I like to think I’m a budding professional in this field at least.

“Fuuuuck, oh man, that throat is so wet and tight, Dave… Damn you suck cock like a fuckin’ pro!”

What the shit? Add mind-reader to Barry’s list of accolades.

I tightened the grip of my tongue on his prick and sped up my pace too. Saliva flew from my mouth, spattering his crotch and t-shirt and the weight of his hand on the back of my head was heavier now, becoming urgent as his testicles swelled and his breath became more ragged. I had slipped my right hand to my groin where I stroked my length. Barry watched me with some interest.

“Don’t you cum on your own, y’hear me? I want that fuckin’ wad down my throat in a minute here!”

I smiled at hearing that. I hadn’t explicitly gotten Barry’s sexuality, but his love of sucking cock sounded like it matched mine which was an excellent starting point.

With my left hand I reached down into his tighty-whities and fondled his bowling ball-sized nuts which were still slick with my spit as I repeatedly stuffed the spongy head of his cock into my throat hole.

“Oh, keep doing that, keep doing that, keep… Ohh, ooooh…!!”

Barry roared. It shook the cab and rattled the windows as he blasted his first creamy salvo straight down my esophagus. I actually felt the heat of it hit my stomach. My eyes rolled back as the huge dinosaur grunted and fed me his trucker spunk in wave after frothy wave. My tongue still coaxed more out of him, I couldn’t believe the amount. I almost regretted having the burger earlier: This was more than filling.

It took Mr. Alberson over a minute to stop spasming from his orgasm long enough to relax back into his seat and give me a very happy grin. With some reluctance I released his still-throbbing cock which slapped wetly back to his belly.

“What’s the verdict huh? On par with Gordie?” I asked.

“Gordie who?” He breathed with a chuckle.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and then licked off the cum I found there.

“Ready for me to return the favor?”

“Yes please! Where do you want me?” I asked with interest.

“Get right up on my seat, get your feet tucked in at the sides of my butt and facefuck me.”

“Oh wow, uh is there room?”

“We’ll make it work, come on, I need that Adasaur spooge in me.”

He offered me his arm for support and I was a little surprised to find that I could just get my feet tucked in around him on his chair which lined me up rather perfectly with his mouth. I still had to lean forward over him or I’d bump my head against the roof of the truck but it wasn’t uncomfortable. My tail had room between the windshield and the dash to press me forward.

“Oh yeah, perfect. Just lean into me and let me take care of ya.” Barry said as he licked his lips and put his big hands on my ass. He pulled me forward and opened his mouth. I slid along his fat tongue which quickly wrapped around me. His tongue was wide and thick and enveloped me completely. The muscle constricted more and I gasped. I wasn’t used to this much gripping force on my cock and at first I was nervous. Though as he began to move up and down my dick, I quickly became accustomed. Barry was no slouch at this either, he just had a preferred style it seemed.

“Any tighter and you might bruise me.” I said, half-jokingly and half from genuine concern.

He released me just long enough to say, “Relax bud, I just don’t want you gettin’ away before I’m done with ya.”

Then I was back in his hot, wet maw as he jerked me off with his great tongue. It was a sensation I’ll never forget. He had such a vice-like hold on my entire cock, but it was somehow just the right amount. He was in total control and I could tell that’s just how he liked it. He held my butt cheeks tightly, even prodding my rear entrance with a finger as he guided me in and out of his mouth, with quick, strong movements. Perversely I felt like a living sex doll in his grasp, being used to feed him cum. The way I was being maneuvered, I didn’t have to do anything, and would be powerless to try. Barry fucked me with his mouth for several minutes until my climax came and I could only whimper as my balls tightened up and unloaded into his hungry jaws. I was completely limp, over the top of his big head as he painstakingly suckled me, milking every last drop out of my poor testicles. I had never gotten a blowjob like it before. My genitals were sore, and I was grateful for it.

Before Barry allowed me to flop back into my seat he gently sat me down into his lap and looked me deep in the eyes.

“How was it?”

“Gordie who?” I echoed, with a trembling voice.

He smiled broadly and let out a snort before darting his head forward and kissing me hard on the mouth. I kissed him back, our lips parting and our tongues intertwining, sharing the remains of our love juices that were still on them.


That night Barry informed me he wanted me to share his bed with him and I was too tired to pretend to resist. He big-spooned me, and it was better than I had fantasized about. He was so warm, strong, and he does this like purring sound when he sleeps that I found to be absolutely fucking adorable. Part of me wanted to stay awake all night, just enjoying being there with him, the feel, the smells… But I also felt really safe and happy, and in the end had no trouble falling asleep.


The following morning, I awoke to the engine starting and the bed next to me empty. I lifted my head and found the Albertosaurus looking at me over his shoulder.

“Oh good you’re still here. Was afraid I dreamt all that last night.” He said.

“You took the words right out of my mouth.” I said and smiled back.

“Just getting the engine going before we get out of here. Like I said yesterday, about forty minutes back to town where we can grab coffee, a little breakfast and I need a shower at the truckstop. Where would you like me to drop you?”

“Anywhere is fine, my phone’ll have service so I can just get a DinoLyft at that point, hopefully with a different driver from before.”

“You live in town right?”

“Well actually, I live in Strathmore, a bit of a drive.”

“No foolin’? Wow that’s great!”

I cocked an eyebrow at him. “Is it? Why?”

“Oh, well that’s on one of my normal routes, I drive through there at least once a week!”

“Oh really? That’s uh, that’s pretty cool.” I said.

“I mean, unless this was a one-time thing, which is fine too.” Barry said. “But, well we both admitted to bein’ pretty lonely right? Maybe I could, y’know, if you were into it, I could stop by and see you from time to time on my way through, eh?”

“Are we talking just sex or?”

“Whatever we want. You like movies?”

“Yeah who doesn’t?”

“Well, maybe we grab dinner and a movie sometime?”

“Sounds great, Barry.” And I truly meant it.

He smiled under his mustache as he got his phone out and we plugged in each others’ numbers.


About an hour later we had shared a couple breakfast sandwiches, slightly burned coffees and Barry had given me a crushing hug and a kiss goodbye outside of a Tim’s as his rig trundled down the road to a nearby truckstop. I watched the big red vehicle until it was out of sight. From here he’d be driving all day and halfway across Canada. But he’d be back. We had plans for a late dinner near my place next Wednesday and then he was going to spend the night. I couldn’t wait, and I wondered what the rest of the day might have in store. It was still super early too, with the sky just starting to show the first colors of morning.

Now that my phone had signal I decided to log back into the DinoLyft app and see about ordering a car. Suddenly, there on my screen was my driver’s profile from yesterday and five empty stars, asking me to rate his service. I narrowed my eyes crossly and hovered the one star, already thinking about the scathing review I would write. This fucking dude had abandoned me to freeze to death in late November! But then I paused. I sighed wistfully as I thought about the night, and the morning I had just experienced with Barry, and what a future getting to know him better could mean for both of us, in time. One of life’s crazy misadventures later and I had met a really sexy, nice guy! For the first time in a long time I was excited about spending time with someone. I smiled to myself and looked down at the screen again.

I pressed one star, but left no review, best I could do.





Can't wait for more of barry


Damn you really got that trucker look down on him, and a good ol smutty story to go with it. Good work!


Thx very much, Random! It felt good to stretch my writing legs again. It's been awhile since I felt the motivation.