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I still had some One Piece in my system and decided to illustrate my favorite character from that series as it's been far too long. This is Whitebeard, or Shirohige as he's known in Japanese. What I love about him, aside from the obvious physical characteristics (just check out HIS one piece! Unf.) is that he takes in the men he finds who have no crew, no aim and gives them purpose on his ship. He treats all of them as his sons and loves them dearly, even forgiving them when they betray or attack him. He's so good, and as I recently watched the Marineford arc of the show, I'm reminded of all the reasons why. 

Interesting note for those who might be thinking, 'why is he called Whitebeard when he only has a mustache? In Japanese his name 'Shirohige' translates to shiro meaning white, and hige is actually beard, whisker, or mustache, depending on the context.
