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Brought to life from stitching together the bodies of several men, Wilhelm Baldarich was (ultimately) the living embodiment of Victor Frankenstein's life's work. The monster, given life through the power of lightning and science at first was filled with rage and uncertainty. His mind was not his own, indeed, he felt crazed, his mind and body parts at odds with each other. With his creator's help Wilhelm eventually began to understand himself as a unique entity worthy of existence. Victor, not happy enough with creating new life from death decided the next part of his experiment would be to educate the creature he called 'Wilhelm', and teaching him to be a gentleman capable of joining polite society. This process would take years and sadly, before the doctor could finish teaching his creation, he died. On his death bed however he willed his estate, books, lands and considerable wealth to Wilhelm. In the decades that followed, the creature, immortal though he was, decided to remain quietly in his creator's castle, safe from the outside world he knew to be hostile of those who are different. The city nearby, once a tiny village seems to encroach on his forested lands more every year, and it is likely only a matter of time until he is discovered and revealed to the world. Until then, Wilhelm remains secluded, raising his goats and chickens, crops, reading and repairing the only home he's ever known. Part of him yearns to interact with his fellow men, but fear and uncertainty perpetually color his decision making on that front.




Never have I’ve wanted to smash a monster so hard in my life. Thanks! Keep up the great art


Victor definitely knew how to create a sexy as sin monster hunk


Ha! Yeah, Wilhelm definitely elicits strong feelings of need in some of us! :P


He certainly did! Makes me wonder if his reasons in the monster's creation were entirely, um, scientific!


Of course, though I’m sure he had to “test” specific functions numerous times…. for science!


Those are very kind eyes! They make me want to curl up with him and keep him warm! Of course, there are things I'd really like to do with that mustache and his dangly bits, but I think that goes without saying, yeah?


He definitely chose those big pair of balls on purpose and I’m grateful for it 🥴👌😩. Lovely DB

Anon Pseudo

Really like his design DB great job. I also wouldn't mind seeing you expand on Wilhelm's story 👀


I mean, it's a damn good size while still being able to um, accommodate the doc!


Lol, it probably does, but you can always feel free to say it here if you like! ;)


Even if he wasn't entirely 'out' at the time: Victor knew what he liked to see!


That was originally the plan honestly, I just haven't had a ton of time or inclination to write as of late unfortunately. Doesn't mean it won't happen, just some stuff in my life schedule need to align to get writing done.

Anon Pseudo

Okay gotcha. Hopefully things work out; I'll be looking to seeing more of this big guy and that huge chest haha


I like the huge shoulder bolts on him. It's like all the weight from those meaty tits needed the extra structural support.

Tyler Redican

Takes a village to get the make a man so sexy😉( lol I know dark right)