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He'd been called the 'Scourge of Elwynn Forest', the 'Gnoll King' among others. But for 15 long years he'd been rotting in the Stormwind Stockades. Many times he had tried to lead a prison revolt and each time it was quashed with the mighty gnoll soundly defeated. Hogger grew older, and in time even his violent tendencies lessened. He pined for the verdant forests he used to roam, wild, often nude and free. Now though, freedom seemed like such a long ago dream. Not known for his intelligence, he wasn't sure what other avenues of escape remained aside from brute-forcing his way out. It wasn't until a human guard began speaking with him, telling him about 'good behavior' and 'work programs' that might lessen his sentence that Hogger began to hatch a scheme: If he just pretended to be good and reformed he could get released earlier! So for the next few years he worked very hard to be a good boy and in time was released on probation to chop down trees in the Redridge Mountains. Hogger smelled the clean air, full of conifers, grasses and wildlife and let out an excited, gibbering laugh. He could break his chains easily enough, incapacitate the prison employees watching over them and escape into the dense woods nearby, perhaps becoming part of the gnoll tribes known to live around there. But. But his guard friend, the man who helped him come this far was responsible for him and the other inmates, and Hogger, surprisingly, didn't want to harm him in order to escape. It was a conundrum he hadn't faced before. Normally, he didn't think too much about anything and just let his baser impulses dictate his next action. On top of that too, this guard exhibited all the telltale signs of a potential mate when he was around the gnoll, and that got Hogger curious. A curiosity that told him he might feel similarly.  And hadn't the guard told him he would only need to endure this for one more year, and that he had a cabin nearby, if he needed a place to stay after the big gnoll became a free man? A year at that point would go by quickly enough, and then Hogger would be free of his bonds, his prison garb, and roll in the fallen leaves, perhaps with his new mate.



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