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Within this man rages the power of a mighty thunderstorm. There is lightning in his blood, as easy for him to tap into as breathing, but in spite of this the man himself is charismatic and kindly. He once had a great love in his life, someone who disappeared, and he's dedicated much of his time to finding them again. In the meantime he finds the company of his traveling companions suits him quite well and he develops an immediate fondness for Bill, perhaps due to the ranger's inexperience outside of his woods and need for guidance, or maybe because he reminds the centaur of his lost love. Endymion likes to tell stories and learn new things about the great wide world as he explores it to add even more stories to his collection. 

And with that we're done with the party reference sheets! I hope you folks enjoyed this miniseries, I had a great time working on them. :)



João Lacerda

he looks like a pretty chill dude, i would love to meet him with my Dragonborn paladin


He is chill! And although the guy who plays him (me) is still a D&D noob, I like to think Endymion's strengths still shine through. :P

Piper Malone

Ah a storm born sorcerer very fun design for his outfit. I love his face and those ears are cute though I think my favorite part is that little braid for his tail. These really are great character designs and backstories. What a great concept


I want to hug him :)

Bryan Whiteman

Finally more Endymion content~ So hazarding a guess, is he a storm sorcerer? Distant relations to Storm giants perhaps?

Tanner Henry

Oh my~ He's amazing!

Adam Primaeros

Human bits on horse hindquarters, not every day you see those! ☺💕


Thx Piper. I'm also a big fan of his look, and that's partially due to it being a little more subdued. No giant wizard hat, the staff isn't over-the-top and lightning doesn't feature throughout the concept, other than a slight nod with coloring.