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Who remembers this big fella? He's a gigas lord from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, a game I loved to death, playing it with my room mates, all on GBAs with link cables. Man, those were the days. :) Just got the remastered version of this game for my Switch and am very excited to meet up with this walking mountain of fur and mustache! Scene here basically the one from the game where he bursts out of his room and finds you sneaking around his manor! He uh, doesn't always wear pants.



It's Jake

VERY handsome GOODJOB 💕✨

Adam Primaeros

I am reminded that I cherish you as an artist who still does "average" (read: not hyper) manbits most often. On top of the moustache/beard thing, of course.


w00f! Love him!


If I'm being honest, the bigger the guy, the smaller I want his bits to be more often than not! XD


He's all bark and... well actually his bite is also quite serious, but damn can he cuddle ya!


I honestly never got a chance to play. Seems fun. ;D