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I don't like Blizzard as a company, let me start by saying that. However, I do love this free to play moba of theirs and have played it for years. I can still appreciate all the effort that artists, animators and game designers put in without condoning the actions of a company's higher-ups. And I must admit a lot of the character models are very sexy! So, who should I draw from this game for January?



this is an unfair choice all personal faves its tearing me apart

Roque (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 13:29:03 ALL Y'ALL BETTER BE VOTING HOGGER. Then Falstad. ...the others I can take or leave. >>
2022-01-11 17:32:12 ALL Y'ALL BETTER BE VOTING HOGGER. Then Falstad. ...the others I can take or leave. >>

ALL Y'ALL BETTER BE VOTING HOGGER. Then Falstad. ...the others I can take or leave. >>