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Once there was a kind and noble king named Astra. His queen had died in child birth leaving  him with one daughter, Princess Prin-Prin, whom he loved very much. The Kingdom was in a far-off land surrounded by deep woods and towering mountains covered in ice. It was so remote that for many years Astra's lands and people prospered, almost unknown to the rest of the world. As such, the Kingdom saw little need for defense and so it only had a small force of loyal knights, led by Sir Arthur, a knight of inestimable valor. King Astra was very proud of the strapping knight and even hoped one day that Arthur would marry his daughter. He often watched Arthur train, and in little time the two became very close. Astra often daydreamed about how lucky his daughter would be, to spend the rest of her life with such a brave and handsome knight.

Sadly, the very reason that allowed the Kingdom to prosper would inevitably become its downfall. Being as isolated as it was from the rest of the world meant it was open to attack with no outside aid readily available. One fateful night an army of demons invaded Astra's castle and the surrounding village. They were merciless, and killed or corrupted nearly all of the defenseless  humans in the Kingdom. Those who survived were forced to seek refuge in the woods nearby. Sir Arthur, once aware of the situation, quickly donned his shimmering armor and fought his way into the castle and up to the royal family's private chambers in an effort to save them from an unspeakable end.

Arthur burst into the Princess's room only to find her being abducted from her bed by horrible winged fiends! They took her out the window and high into the night sky before Arthur could even hurl his mighty lance at them. The knight cursed himself for being too late as he ran down the hall to learn the fate of his king. Unfortunately, even as Arthur lowered his shoulder and broke down the chamber door, his good friend King Astra was already gone too. In his place, holding the king's robes in his claws was an immense, hairy beast with sharp fangs and an unsettling second face in his chest! Curiously, even as Arthur prepared himself to battle the Demon Lord, the creature only regarded the knight, looking him over, in a peculiar way. Then, the brute turned and smashed through the wall behind him, escaping into the night.

Poor Sir Arthur! In a single miserable evening, his home had been taken by an unknown demon army, and the people closest to him were gone. He wasted no time in gathering weapons and steeling his resolve for the perilous journey ahead. He set out on the army's trail, alone. He would save Princess Prin-Prin and avenge his king or die trying! The mission would prove treacherous, testing Arthur's limits again and again as he fought through scores of the Demon Lord's forces. He battled them across cemeteries, a haunted shipyard, treacherous towers and frozen peaks. Somehow, incredibly, after overcoming insurmountable odds he reached the demons' fortress. 

The weary knight summoned his remaining courage as he ascended the castle's many floors, at last coming face to face with the same monster who had taken his king! Arthur lowered his lance and charged the fiend but the creature belched forth fire from his lower mouth, engulfing the knight and searing off his armor! The knight, though rattled, regained his composure. He stood defiantly, impressive considering he was now wearing only his small golden circlet, a gift from the king, and his underwear! The creature laughed at him.

"Ho ho, oh noble Arthur, to think you have followed me all the way here. I am flattered!" Said the beast in a low and gravelly voice.

"You will not feel quite so flattered once I have plunged my lance into your heart!" Arthur said fiercely.

"But that would require turning your weapon upon yourself, or my dearest daughter." Lamented the Demon Lord.

The knight faltered. "What do you mean by that, creature?!" He demanded.

"Not so long ago you would have defended me with your very life, called me your Highness." Said the beast.

"King Astra is dead, you wear his robes! Don't attempt to confuse me!"

"Dead? Not quite. He is very much a part of me, stronger than I expected, to hold on this long."

Arthur took a step forward. He peered into the demon's upper face with narrowed eyes. Something about the mustache, the eyebrows, and in spite of their color, the crimson eyes too were unmistakable. "M-My King... Astra?" He said weakly.

"We are called Astaroth now." Growled the monster.

Arthur felt the strength go out of him as he collapsed to the stone floor, landing heavily on his backside. This was his king, or, perhaps in some capacity still was? What should he do now?

"How did this happen?"

The creature smiled, a wide, toothy grin. "Your king should have been an easy corruption. Most royalty succumbs to the demonic transformation willingly. The promise of power too great to resist, their wills easily broken and consumed. But your Astra was... Different. His heart to the very end was full of fight and, repugnant as it seems, feelings, for you."

Arthur looked up at that.

"Oh yes, your king longed for you above all else. I suppose chivalry or some other nonsense prevented him from ever telling you so. This inner turmoil he felt, this unspoken struggle, it proved to be his undoing. His weakness is what allowed me to inhabit his body and become what you see before you! Even now your king's passions burn within me, making it difficult to focus on ending your miserable life. His lust has become my own!" Astaroth growled, and opened his robes fully, displaying to Arthur an engorged and dripping length of manhood. 

The knight trembled at the sight of it, angry and throbbing as it was. 

"W-Where is the Princess?" The knight managed to say.

"She is safe, locked away nearby."

"Release her to me, and in exchange for her safety... I will willingly submit to your desires."

The demon lord paused, and stroked his beard in thought. "The side of me that is still your king finds your proposal enticing. But the rest of me thinks my army should breed his daughter and devour you!"

Astaroth pounced from across the room then, his massive form taking the knight by surprise and pinning him to the ground. Arthur struggled under him but the monster was too heavy, too strong to resist. So instead the knight made the only gamble he could think of and kissed the beast upon the mouth. Astaroth allowed it, and only broke the kiss after several moments. His demeanor had changed somewhat.

"You weren't lying then, you would give yourself to me?"

"You know me better than that my King. I have never lied to you, and you are not the only one who felt this desire in his heart."

"You loved your king, as he loved you?" The demon asked, his voice softer now.

"Of course, and I would have taken the secret to my grave if you hadn't said something first."

Astaroth sat back, straddling the knight, his maleness still hard, and now with Arthur's manhood pushing back against it through his underwear. Both could feel the heat from the other, both yearning for this, even under the circumstances.

"We will release your Princess, and you will see her safely home under one condition." Said Astaroth after some consideration.

"What is it then?"

"After she is back with her people, you will return to me here. I shall make you my demon bride." 

"By my oath as a knight."

Astaroth smiled again, a lascivious curl on his lips as his tongue slid out of his mouth. "Perhaps it was fated for me to become one with your king. What wonderful secrets we've found lurking inside both of you."

Arthur said nothing. He knew it was very unlikely that he could defeat Astaroth in battle, and if this was the only way to save Prin-Prin, and indeed his home, he would gladly do it.

"Before I release you both, however, I want you to prove yourself to me."

"What must I do?"

"Just enjoy this, Sir Arthur." Said the beast.

Astaroth carefully grabbed the bit of fabric that Arthur still wore over his straining erection and tugged it down to his ankles before lowering his head to take his knighthood into his hungry mouth. Arthur moaned as the beast sucked him to the root. As the demon pleasured him he next felt a clawed finger begin to probe at his back entrance. The knight gasped and was afraid of being hurt but Astaroth, remarkably, was careful and slow. Arthur could close his eyes and imagine his king doing these things to him, and it helped him enjoy the Demon Lord's ministrations. 

An hour went by, with the two finding their rhythm and moving as one. Arthur, after having his hole tongued and eaten expertly by the demon was slowly able to take his maleness inside, a remarkable feat considering the size. He wondered briefly if the demonic corruption could be affecting him too, or if it was just the years of longing he had for Astra finally manifesting. 

"You will be my perfect bride, won't you?" Astaroth whispered into the knight's ear, as he sank more of himself into the moaning human. 

"Whatever you desire, Astaroth..." Said Arthur, his voice sounding very far away, as he grunted from his lover pushing more of his demon cock further inside.

"One day, brave knight, all of the demon seed I'll be filling you with will make you one of us. But until then, fight off the temptation, don't give in, hold onto your humanity. Your struggle is irresistible to me." Said Astaroth as his heavy testicles emptied into his lover's bowels.

Arthur could feel the sudden flooding deep within himself, and it caused him to shoot as well. It was incredible. He had never felt so full, nor so entirely satisfied by another. Not for the first time he imagined his king, and not the demon that held him, and that made the man smile beneath his bushy beard. 

When the pleasure had mostly subsided, he responded to his captor. "One day, perhaps, I might give myself completely to you, demon. Or, in spite of your great power, Astra might surprise you and regain control. And when that happens, we will return to our home, together."

The demon laughed and held Arthur more tightly to his powerful body. "We shall see, my precious knight. We shall see."





And it's all true! It was just far too horny to make it into the games!

Christian Walters

Another character from my video game past that gave me odd feelings


Lovely balls.


What a great story! I never finished the game so I had no idea! Thanks for enlightening us DB! As always, the art is fantastic.


what an amazing story, always a pleasure to read what you write.

Bryan Whiteman

Oh wow a full short story what a delight! Arthur is just so cute with his dwarfy proportions makes the size difference all the better.




Thank you Dennis! And if you want to imagine demonic mpreg in Arthur's future, go right ahead. :P


Thank you very much, Zolvira. It feels good to be inspired to write again :]


Wow, the story and the art came out perfectly, exceptional as always DB!


Oh my! Exactly what I've always wanted from GnG fanfic and art!!!!!!


The image perfectly captures the moment and story. You can really see the emotions between the pair. This is one of my favorites.


Wow, your writing is so hot 🥵🤤 and the picture adds so much


Thank you very much Random, and that means a lot coming from such a talented writer as you. :)


I'm glad to hear that, Ruffer, thank you for the nice comment. I always like hearing which pieces of mine resonate the most with folks. :)


When inspiration strikes, and I make a little extra time for it, I do like to add some story for the description!


This was one hell of a read - now I wanna see two 'purified' demons ruling. :)