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If you were into furry dudes and you're in your 30's plus, I'm gonna assume you also had a crush on this dashing air pirate from Talespin. Don Karnage, with his crazy accent and effortless, sexy aura, yeah damn I remember thinking he was super cute back then. Well, some things never change, but my art's gotten better and ol' Karney is just as charming as ever! :D

From this week's public stream, finished up on Discord.




Ahhh gosh I love this so much! No comment on the accuracy of your first statement....

Matt Williams

This is great! Karnage is one of the three characters I REALLY liked on TaleSpin. The other two are Baloo and Dumptruck. Again, great work! 👍🏽😍👍🏽

Karwood Bear

A crush? More like a complete burning obsession throughout my collegiate years. Thanks!!


You assume correctly! Wanted Baloo more, but Don was there!



Adam Primaeros

Big surprise here is that you didn't give him a 'stache. =0 But yes, gimme DONG CARNAGE


Definitely one of your best pieces! Thank you for not being 'Mid'. Finally the best Don Karnage smut out there! 💕

Christopher Lynch

Oh hell yeah! He always had all the men around him. Looking all suave and dashing.


YOU DON'T KNOW ME... Checks notes... Into furry dudes... Over 30... Into Don Karnage... Okay, you're right... logic checks out. You make 'em look real good DB, and I love the wordplay.

Doobige McBongbong

What can I say….the man knows me…Don can pillage my booty anyway.


Lol, I know my audience! And glad you enjoyed seeing the process of this one so much. ;)


All really great choices! I def. plan to do some work on Dumptruck down the road too!


Same, although I know I wanted to be in Don's shoes more. My own ragtag band of doggo air pirates fighting for and idolizing me? Yes please!

Eric Spearman

So damn sexy! Will we ever get a pantses version? And some ass? Don Karnage is one of the most hysterical villains Disney ever had. NC once compared him to "Ricky Ricardo got fed up with his wife, took his Caribbean band, and went out pillaging."


I still wanted him to be recognizable. He's one of those rare fellows where I think he's already extremely hot without a mustache!


Between Baloo, Don, Louie, Khan and some of the minor characters Talespin had a lot of attractive guys.


Over 30... check. Have a thing for furry dudes... check. Had a crush on the Don... check. You got me XD But he was far from the only hot character. I'm sure there was a love triangle between Don Karnage, Baloo and Khan... or that was just in my head ^^;


What? No love for Wildcat?


I mean... yeah. Yeah.