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Many years ago on a faraway desert planet, the beastman called Bestian was forced into servitude, experimented on, and turned into a god-tier powerhouse. His primary functions were demolition and enforcement, but he grew too powerful for his captors to control. He led an uprising and in time was able to defeat the offworlders who had come to his home and enslaved him and his people. He became known as a war hero and was beloved by his kind. However, he didn't stop there and began to take his vengeance on any threat he perceived to his world. The effects of what had been done to him warped his mind, his sense of justice, and over time the once proud Bestian became a space-faring pirate lord. Perhaps he'll meet his match one day, someone who can help him regain his sanity, and honor.

Winner of this month's poll, thanks for voting for him folks! I've been really eager to draw him!  His clothing should be indicative of his hot, difficult homeworld. The symbol on his belly plate is that of his pirate crew.




The color scheme for his clothes turned out well, the dark red does lean into the pirate feel. He also looks good without them too 😉


I like the little tuft of fur on his balls (among other things !)


Part of his power set is that he can actually change his size at will. Usually he's close to 8 ft. tall (he prefers to be bigger than Odeph at all times!) but he can grow to 20 ft.+ and shrink down to about 4 ft. when situations require it.


Thx Random! Yeah I did away with all of his lighter/brighter colors cuz this felt right. I want him to have a slightly more 'villainous' vibe over all.


This is a great design dood. Love when the brute become the hero :)


Thank you Rock! Yeah, it's a very fun trope, hopefully I can write it to be interesting!


top tier husband material


He definitely needs a hug after what he's been through. I volunteer!


Bestian the best!