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The God-King of a faraway planet mostly covered by water, this is Odeph. A character from a storyline I've workshopped for a long time, and am finally getting some reference images drawn and posted. Really happy with how he turned out, I hope you guys like him also!




Ooh he’s beautiful! Any plans of a future story/comic with him?


I like him bunches and bunches! Would love to see more of him!


I don’t know how you make every man you draw equally handsome, manly, and cute but man do I love him. 🥺💖

Christian Carbone

Seems like an 8 ft tall kinda guy, with that Zeus libido. but loves all his bastards equally


He's one of three main characters in a story I've been outlining for a few years. I'm not sure if Patreon is the place for it as it's not really smut. It does have sexy scenes though. Might be something I should ask you guys about in the future.


Thanks Torb, I guess that's sort of my specialization at this point. XD I'm glad you really like him though!


Actually closer to seven feet, and due to story reasons, only has one grown child who he loves very much. But still, yeah pretty much my version of a Zeus or Odin type!


I love this design - it FEELS like Triton meets an eastern woad style of warrior. But is still wholly unique. :D