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One of my favorite toons from way back. I always found this pygmy curmudgeon terribly cute, short temper and all. Warning: Dynamite should only be used in place of a dick/dildo as a last resort! Sometimes a guy just has to make do.

For this post, I wanted to do something really fun: Find an old drawing that I liked and redraw it today to revisit the original work in a fun way and also to see how I've grown/changed as an artist. The original was drawn in 2011, the current one 2021. So this is a 10 year difference. Attempting to critique it myself, I'm much more comfortable drawing challenging poses now, and I think that shows. It's a more complex position and angle to draw correctly, obviously I use color and shading now, highlights are new. I also can see my expressions have come along nicely. Even with a simply designed cartoon character, I really like seeing the improvement. Hopefully you guys think it's pretty interesting too. :)




I really like how you drew hands in 2011. I love manly thick hands.


This shows tremendous progress DB. You were already hella talented in 2011, but you just continue to outdo yourself with every post. This piece is incredibly hot.


He's a horny lil' man. And I don't know why but the sock with a hole so a toe can stick out is just a fun aesthetic. Great piece dood :)


Really like the old but love the new!

It's Jake

Yesssiree, this looks good to ME 💕✨

Bryan Whiteman

Haha this is probably the best take on the "country folk make do." meme


Thanks mate! I really liked working on this one. It's nice to remind myself how far along I've come. :)


It is a surprisingly charming little touch. Also reminds me to buy new socks...


Love it! His climax is sure to be a bang!


the nip, the tan line *chefs kiss*