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March 2021 Updates!

A hearty hello to all of my patrons! Welcome to the new folks and huge thanks to my ongoing supporters. I hope that you are doing well in these trying times. It's been a little while since I've done one of these update posts, probably because there were several months where I didn't have much to report, good or bad. But, that's changed, and I have plenty of good news to share with you fine folks!

The first item is that my husband has finally found a great new job, one that's he's exceedingly excited about. He has a ton of room to advance and grow there and has been coming home every day with new details and stories about it that are making him really happy. The change in him is dramatic and it makes my heart soar. It should probably go without saying but, when he's happier, so too am I. In fact, this is literally the best I've felt in a year and damn it feels good to recognize myself again.

The hubby's new work schedule has him working weekends, and because my work schedule is more flexible than his, I am also going to start working on weekends so we can continue to have our days off together. Tuesday and Wednesday are now my 'weekend'. This means that my public stream day will be moving from Tuesday to Friday, and my typical posting days will shift around too. Also the days I stream in Discord will become Thursday, Saturday and Monday. Beyond that, not too much will be different, I'll still be giving this job my all and delivering the goods! ;)

Another exciting thing to share: I've decided to try something new with Jim and Oscar's Valentine's story. Specifically, I'm working with a very friendly, talented programmer who is helping me turn it into my first ever visual novel! I've never made one and I'm intrigued by the idea. I don't plan to pause either of my monthly comics or anything, this is in addition to those and other similar projects. Not sure why I always feel this need to work myself to the bone but, I don't think I'd have it any other way! lol

Patrons will get to see everything in the visual novel as it's created and have first access to the finished project at $5 and $10 tiers. You've already seen most of the content in terms of story and accompanying illustrations, however there are extra images I want to include and polish the story further. I don't have an exact time frame on this but my plan is to have it completely finished within the next couple months. I also plan to release it on gumroad, amazon, and other places once it's all done. Again though, patrons get to see it before anyone else. :) Please wish me luck in this new endeavor!

Looking back over the last year, it's all been very challenging. I probably don't need to say too much about that, we all know what it entails. Something that's really helped me with it though has been this job. If I didn't have Patreon content and projects to look forward to creating, getting me out of bed and providing me purpose, I know things could have been a lot more bleak. Now that there's finally light at the end of the tunnel, I can honestly say that you all offering me your financial support, as well as emotional support through your questions and comments on my work made covid world so much more bearable. Thank you so much, all of you, from the bottom of my heart. I am able to continue to grow as an artist only because of you.

With gratitude,



durnsidh `

That's so nice to hear that your husband found a new job! I hope for happy days ahead for the both of you.

Andrew Maxwell

That is awesome and hope you have some wonderful fun on your free time

Christopher Lynch

Omg! I know how you feel. I don't know what mine was, but last week, something clicked inside of me. I went from this depressed all the time sad sack, to suddenly wanting to get back to crafting and starting new stuff. Like the sun finally started shining after this hell from covid. Even though my work schedule is still wonky, I'm back to designing and planning new craft projects, which I haven't done in years it seemed. Im so happy for you and hubby. I love your content so much, and can't wait to see what comes in the future!


Free time, what's that? You mean chore day? Lol, I kid, thanks! I'll find some fun stuff to do here and there


I'm happy to read this, Chris! Working on creative pursuits does wonders for my mood, and even better when I actually finish stuff. Glad to hear the sun has started shining again for ya. :]

Christian Carbone

Congratulations to you both! May the good times keep coming!


Congratulations to your husband for getting the new job. Hope things go well for you both. The visual novel sounds interesting.


Omg congratulations to you both!!! So happy to hear he is happy at his new job. ❤️


Congrats to the hubby! I'm glad you're feeling better. Looking forward to following your new streaming schedule.


Thank you very much, Pa. :) Yeah, it's already proving to be very interesting!


Yeah, now that there's a weekend day in there, might be helpful for some folks who work all week. And thanks!


Look forward to more of your adventures!! I would buy that story on Amazon. Lol any of your stories!!!


Gratz to your man