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Part 2

“Oof, I’ve been needing a restroom for the last hundred miles!” Oscar informed me as he hurried to the small bathroom.

Moments later I heard the man’s powerful stream hitting water and a grateful sigh through the door. I sat my bag down, and got my laptop out, plugging it in at a small table off to one side of the bed. The room wasn’t much to look at, considering it had been called a ‘suite’ but it would serve the purpose of providing rest and shelter for the night. I untied my shoes and placed them neatly by the door and sat down on the edge of the queen-sized bed. I poked around on my phone, looking for restaurants in the area. A minute or so later I heard the toilet flush, the sink faucet run, and then Oscar came out to join me.

“Are you as hungry as I am?” He asked.

“Yeah, famished actually, but it’s already kinda late and there aren’t a ton of options in this town.” I said and grimaced. “Unless you want fast food?”

“No, no, something more substantial I think. We could order a pizza?”

“That sounds pretty good, and we wouldn’t have to drive anywhere, just get it delivered?”

He nodded his approval, and we spent the next few minutes deliberating over toppings until we both felt satisfied. Thirty minutes later I had gone down to the lobby, paid for our extra large and brought it back up to the room. We sat on the bed and ate it over the box, careful not to get anything on the covers.

“That is pretty good.” I said, appreciating the gooey slice I held to my mouth.

“Not bad at all!” Oscar agreed.

We finished eating and I set the empty box on the floor near the waste basket.

“So, now what?” He asked.

“Um?” I replied. “I was thinking I might poke around on my computer a bit, make sure our presentation is ready for tomorrow.”

The big man stroked his beard. “That’s, one option, though knowing you the presentation is already perfect, and memorized.”

I chuckled. “Well, I doubt it’s perfect, but yeah definitely memorized.”

“Let’s do something fun tonight!” He suggested enthusiastically.

“What did you have in mind? There’s really not much we can do, and we need to be on the road early in the morning.”

He thought it over. “I suppose you’re right. Well, what about a movie?”

“There’s probably time for a movie.” I reasoned. “Something on my computer? I have Netflix.”

“That screen’s too small, let’s see what they have here.” He said and picked up the tv remote. Soon he was scrolling through movies and categories.

“Action, horror, comedy, romance…” He said slowly while browsing through the options. “Any of these look good?”

“I’m not that picky, anything you want to watch?”

“What about a porno?” He suggested casually.


“You heard me.”

I looked over at Oscar who was sitting on the bed next to me. His bright blue eyes twinkled mischievously.

“I think we probably have different tastes.” I told him plainly.

“Who knows, we all want to experience new things as we get older.” He replied.

I blinked at him. He kept eye contact.

“W-what does that mean?” I asked, with some exasperation evident in my voice. “You want to watch dudes going at it while we just sit here? That’s totally weird, man!”

“You never looked at porn with your buddies when you were a younger man?”

“No I didn’t!”

He laughed.

“Wait, you aren’t serious are you?” I asked.

He laughed harder, and I rolled my eyes.

“You got very red in the face there, Jim.” He said, still chuckling to himself.

“Gee, I wonder why, you old perv.” I said and he laughed again.

I grabbed the remote from him and started looking through movies again. It was only getting later and we needed to just pick something.

“I’ve heard good things about this one.” I said, landing on a new release.

“Is that a scary one?” He asked.

“Well, yeah, it’s in the horror section.”

“I don’t really like scary movies.” He said.

“Wait, really? How come?”

He sighed, and gave me a look. “Because they’re scary!” He said and folded his arms.

It was my turn to laugh. “How did I not know this about you? Are you really too chicken to watch a horror movie?”

“I-I’m not chicken, and also, what are we, five?” He said. “I just, don’t like how they make me nervous, anxious.”

“But that’s the fun! You know it’s not real, and there’s that like, rush of adrenaline when something startles you, or creeps you out!”

“I don’t know.” He said.

“Look, this movie’s supposed to be really good, I read some reviews for it online. And if you get scared, you can like, bury your head in my chest and I’ll keep you safe.” I said the last part in a very mocking voice.

He scratched his ear and thought about it briefly. “It might actually come to that. You don’t get to make fun of me though if it happens!”

“I promise I won’t. Unless it’s really funny.”

He furrowed his brows behind his glasses. “Just put the damn thing on.”

The movie started out, and we made ourselves comfortable. Socks were taken off, belts were unbuckled, pillows were propped against the headboard so we could comfortably lean against them while we watched. We were shoulder to shoulder as the movie set up its premise. Apparently a family of four inherited a house which (unsurprisingly) turned out to be haunted. The first really tense scene started playing out and Oscar really was having a difficult time with it. He tilted his glasses down and looked over the top of them. I knew that trick, he was doing it so he couldn’t really see what was happening on-screen. There was a loud crash in the film and he surprised me by turning away from the screen and hiding his face between my neck and shoulder. Gosh, he really was bothered by this stuff. And somehow, impossibly, it made him even hotter.

“You’re alright.” I told him and gently patted his arm.

“I told you I don’t like scary movies!” He muttered, turning to look back at the tv.

“I thought you were exaggerating.”

He shook his head.

The movie progressed, but Oscar kept himself nestled against me. At one point he actually pulled me into him, attempting to hide behind me. I could feel his heart pounding within his great breast, which was now against my back. Being propped against him like this, it was a pretty awkward angle and I had to use one of my hands for support against one of his massive thighs. The heel of my hand rested in his crotch, and I could feel the heat from his basket. I didn’t keep my hand there long, though I wanted to. My boss was so busy shielding his eyes from the screen he hadn’t noticed, or didn’t care. So far, it was easily the highlight of the trip for me.

The movie ended, and spoiler, the kids survived with the mom but the dad went crazy, got possessed, got killed, and the house was burned to the ground. It all felt a bit overrated. It was nearly midnight when the credits started rolling and I switched the television off.

“About ready for bed?” I asked.

“I would’ve been, if we hadn’t watched that!” Oscar grumbled.

“Want me to turn your nightlight on?” I asked and smirked.

“Har har.” He said.

I took out the pajama bottoms I brought, then went to the restroom to have a quick shower and change. I came back out in just the bottoms, wondering if I should put on a tee-shirt to make Oscar comfortable. Turns out Oscar’s comfort level was a bit more relaxed than I had been expecting.

Mr. Magnussen had already stripped out of his pants and shirt, standing near the end of the bed in just a pair of powder blue tighty-whities holding his impressive bulge in just the right way. I knew I shouldn’t stare, and I didn’t mean to, but I couldn’t seem to pry my gaze away from his full, hairy body and obvious maleness. I blushed deeply as I took him in.

“Well Jim, looks like we’re bunkmates tonight.”

“W-what?” I asked, his voice saying my name, snapped me to attention.

“They must have forgotten that we asked for an extra cot bed, but I think it’s too late to worry about that tonight.”

“Oh, dammit, I forgot too!” I said.

He shrugged. “If you aren’t terribly uncomfortable sharing the bed with your boss for one night, it doesn’t bother me any.”

I felt beads of sweat forming at my hairline. Honestly I didn’t know what to say. In many ways, okay actually, in every way this was a dream come true. Oscar in his super cute underwear sleeping in a motel room with me in the same bed, holy hell. But on the other, even though we were good friends, he was still my boss, and a relationship I didn’t want to fuck up. Could I keep my hands to myself? Did I want to? What if this was my only chance to… To what? I didn’t even know, my head swam with a million ideas and feelings.


Fuck! Had he been talking to me for long? I knew he had said something, butI was having a very difficult time focusing.

“What did you ask? Sorry.” I replied lamely.

“I asked if it’s okay?”

I tried to play back the last forty seconds but the recording was blank. He must have asked if I was comfortable sharing the bed with him.

“Yeah, that’s totally okay.” I said.

“You’re sure? I really don’t want to cross a line with you.”

“We’re not, it’s fine.” I said, sounding a little more self-assured.

“Great.” He said with a nod and then pulled his underwear down to his ankles before stepping out of them.

If my head was reeling a second ago, it just about exploded when those briefs came off. I had seen photos of Oscar Magnussen in singlets, and even a speedo at past competitions, I’d seen him shirtless a few times in the summers, but I’d never seen him fully nude. If I was a horny anime character, this would’ve been the part where blood would’ve erupted from my nostrils and my spirit would’ve left my body.

He was very hairy in his groin, soft silver that formed a nest above his fat, soft shaft. His balls were the size of plums and hung in an impressive sack, also dusted with fine grey fur. God damn it was true, every inch of the man was perfection. In spite of the gift I was receiving, there were alarm bells going off in the back of my brain, and I had to ask:

“Wh-what are you doing?” I said in a panicked voice.

He looked up at me and cocked his head to one side.

“I just asked if I could sleep in the buff. I haven’t worn anything to bed in over twenty years. I don’t like how the waistband cuts into me while I sleep. You just said it was fine.” Oscar explained and stood back up.

I felt badly. I obviously hadn’t heard any of that, and now that I had, I didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable. I also wasn’t sure what to do here, and on top of that, my cock was responding to the excess of stimulus from six feet away. I quickly lifted the covers at the side of the bed where I stood and climbed under them, hoping the man hadn’t already spotted my growing erection.

“Jim, if you want I can just sleep in my underwear.” Oscar said, giving me a somewhat worried look.

“I-I’m a little surprised is all, and you know I’m gay so, y’know, kinda weird mixed signals.” I muttered, while trying very hard to look him in the eyes while all my eyes wanted to do was dart down his furry, exposed body again and again.

He gave an easy smile. “Jim, I trust you completely, and am entirely at ease around you.”

“I trust you too, Oscar.” I said, which I did. It still felt like a pretty crazy situation. Then again, maybe when you’re proud of your body, you don’t have hang-ups about showing it off. Couldn’t be me.

“Then let’s get some sleep.” He said as he lifted his side of the covers and turned around to sit down beside me.

He had his broad back to me while he took his nightly pills with a small glass of water and carefully removed his glasses before setting them on the nightstand. His back was an expanse of heavy muscle, now drooping slightly with age and a few extra pounds. A patch of soft hair covered the small of his back and towards the bottom were two impossibly round, soft-looking orbs of ass meat. God DAMN. I’ve always been something of an ass man, and had appreciated my boss’ through his khakis when he would bend over or squat down the entire time I’d worked with him. Seeing it now, in the flesh, in person, sitting beside me on a bed, lightly dusted with dark grey fur, so ample and inviting… My prick bobbed beneath the sheets, burping up a fresh supply of precum just from the sight of those perfect cakes. I sighed and felt my face flush.

“I set the alarm on my phone for six-thirty. That alright? Give you enough sleep?” He asked.

My first thought was that there was no way I’d be getting any rest at all with this nude Hercules beside me, but instead I answered with: “Yup, sounds great!”

“If I snore, just shove me over. I forgot to bring my sleep apnea machine, sorry about that.” He explained and then clicked off the lamp next to his side of the bed.

“Uh, sure.”

“G’night, Jim.”

“Good night, Oscar.”

Within ten minutes the boss was softly sawing logs on his side facing away from me. Lucky bastard! Meanwhile I was lying there sweating, freaking out, hornier than I’d ever been, the object of my intense desire so close to me I could feel the heat coming off his naked figure! FUCK!  I tried counting sheep, for the first time in my life, I tried to practice mediation… Minutes ticked by, I checked my phone, forty minutes had already disappeared since we went to bed. At this rate I wasn’t gonna get any sleep at all. However, there was one thing left I could do to help make me tired.

I thought about going to the restroom and beating off there, but Oscar had been snoring for the better part of an hour at that point so I reasoned I could be quick and quiet about it and just stay where I was. I grabbed my underwear from next to the bed and kept it at the ready for a makeshift cumrag. Then I pulled the covers partway down to expose myself to the cool air of the motel room. As an added bonus I noticed, as I pulled the covers down, they also slid partially off of Oscar. From the dim light of the room’s digital clock I could see his big back. I pulled the covers down a bit more until his rump was exposed too. I hardly needed the extra motivation, but I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to grab the damn thing, so, so badly, but even in this heightened state of arousal, I refused to cross that line. Slobbering over him as I jerked off would have to be enough.

It did occur to me to take my time, just gazing longingly over my boss and his perfect ass while I shot a bucket’s worth over myself, but I really did need to think about getting some sleep if I was going to do some driving tomorrow. I sighed again and got to work, spitting into my palm before giving myself that good rubdown. There was way more than enough stimulation on every front and I was shuddering, my back arching as I coated my front with hot man seed within minutes. I grunted and was shocked by the intensity of it. I suppose the thrill of being right next to Oscar had something to do with that. I exhaled, my heart beat slowing to normal, and was just about to wipe myself down when the large sleeping form next to me suddenly shifted. I froze, not knowing exactly what to do in that moment.

Oscar was just rolling over in his sleep, apparently, but he rolled all the way over to face me, and on our bodies making contact, he slid his heavy arm over my front, draping himself over me as if I was his lover! My heart sped right back up until I could hear the blood pounding in my ears! Fuck, fuck fuck! To make matters worse, he had just smeared his big arm through my fresh coating of cum. If it dried on him, in his body hair, how in the hell was I going to explain that in the morning?

Ever so carefully, cautiously I began wiping as much of him and myself down as I could. Dammit why had I produced this much?! I couldn’t remember feeling more embarrassed in my life. His breathing caught in his throat suddenly and I froze again. His snoring resumed and I breathed a sigh of relief. I kept gently wiping us off as best I could without being able to clearly see what I was doing, just feeling around in the dark for wet areas. After several agonizing minutes I decided that I got it all. Oscar still held me, and I realized his front was pressed against my side. Now that one crisis had passed, I was aware of another one.

His chest was along my shoulder and bicep, his belly to the side of my stomach and something hot and insistent just below that nudged into my hip. Good god almighty, this was my test wasn’t it? I turned my head to look into Oscar’s sleeping face. He looked so serene, so handsome and sweet. I laid there, staring at him, closing my eyes occasionally, and consciously let my hand fall from my stomach to my side, and yes, it brushed against his hardening cock. I felt the hairs in his pubic bush against my skin, the heat from his manhood and spongy smooth skin of his exposed head along the backs of my fingers. It felt like heaven. If I hadn’t just gotten off five minutes ago, I might not have been able to make the most difficult decision of my life: I turned away from him. I didn’t follow every screaming impulse I had to wrap my hand around his cock and slowly jerk him, I didn’t lean my face into his to kiss his sleeping mouth. Instead I made a little prayer for strength and rolled to my side facing away. He still held me, snoring against the back of my head, and that fat pecker of his nestled at the top of my ass cleft, throbbing every now and then, causing me to moan to myself and shiver. Twice he made a sort of answering groan in his sleep and humped against my backside, but that was the extent of it. If he had just said my name out loud, or expressed conscious intention another way, I would have been his, would do anything he ever wanted and then some. But he was out cold, and likely thinking about his wife back home, lonely being away from her.

That last thought was sobering, and likely just part of my post-ejaculatory guilt, but it was enough to calm me down, coupled with the fatigue of anxiety over the last hour. And I knew I should push him off of me, roll him over to his side of the bed, but I didn’t want to risk waking him. Well, that and feeling him hold me like that… Can you blame me for allowing it? I eventually did fall asleep in his warm embrace. Thank the lord for small miracles.

The alarm blared, feeling like just moments later and we both awoke with a start. Oscar still held me, and I was surprised to learn how comfortable it was to sleep with the big man around me like that. Normally when I spent the night with a man, I didn’t even want our skin to come into contact. The boss rubbed his eyes and yawned before sitting up.

“You awake, Jim?”

“Getting there.” I said, and yawned too.

“I think I rolled over and was spooning you last night.” He said sheepishly.

“Oh did you? I didn’t notice.” I lied.

“That’s good, I’d hate to make things weird between us.”

“Uh-huh.” I said, wishing I had any notion of how I was supposed to feel after the evening’s events.

Oscar swung his legs over his side of the bed and sat up. I looked at him, outlined by the morning light that streamed in through the cheap curtains. He had bed head, and the smell of sweat was in the air, just enough to be noticeable, it was wonderful. Looking back it was one of those perfect moments.

“I slept great though!” He announced, as he looked at me over his shoulder and smiled.

“That makes one of us.” I grumbled, but then added, “I never sleep that well in new places I mean.”

“Do you mind if I take first shower?” He asked.

“Go for it.”

He stood up, grabbed his glasses, toiletry case, and a fresh pair of underwear from his bag and headed to the washroom. I couldn’t help but watch him. I also couldn’t help but notice he held his belongings in front of his crotch and I suspected he was hiding his morning wood. I guess he did have some tiny modicum of modesty after all. I waited until I heard the water running before having another much-needed wank. Maybe if I could keep my balls drained as often as I could muster I’d somehow get through the rest of this trip. That and I would make damn certain we had two beds in our room for the drive back!



Anon Pseudo

Oscar is such a hunk oh my goodness 🤤 contact with straight men like him is so bittersweet though 😭 nice read DB, I feel for the main character here haha


That's a very good point! Bittersweet usually in the best case scenario: My own experiences with 'straight guys' have... not been great. lol


Loving the story. Oscar's being a real tease. Looking forward to part three!


I am looking forward to part 3!!


I love this story

Bryan Whiteman

The sexual tension is so thick you'd need a laser cutter to slice it. I wouldn't have been able to take it if I was in your dear protagonists shoes. I'd end up sleeping on the floor.


HOT!!! w00f!!!


Part 3 I hope the “ride” home is soon!


Me too! I was up until 4 in the morning last night because I kept thinking up new scenes that I had to jot down! XD

Al Dawson

Part two definitely did not disappoint. I've been in situations like Jim. Torn between making a move and afraid I'd misread the signs. I hope Jim makes the right decision for him. Looking forward to the next installment. Great work Dude Bulge!


here's hoping jim gets to hotdog those buns in part 3.


What a tease! Can’t wait for the next instalment. 👍🏻


Thank you Al! Yup, rarely are these situations cut and dried. Hopefully these two can figure it out!


...thank you lord for the bounty for what comes next.


Oh my. This is really starting to get good.


Lol there are so many good moments in this one! And despite how this is nothing like my life, I can relate to everything the main character is going through...