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Sam Meadowhorn has been the art teacher at Woodview Academy for many years, but his students love his classes and his laid-back attitude. Nice sunny day? Take your sketchbooks outside! Don't have a model for that day? Mr. Meadowhorn will hop up on the class podium and pose while you sketch his bulky bison body! He's been with the University since its founding, and a great example of the ideology the clothing-optional academy holds dear! Unsurprisingly, his parents were big into the hippie movement, and he inherited a lot of their outlook regarding naturism, freedom of expression and free love! 

Special thanks to the art students from my discord who provided sketches of my teacher for this pic!




Man, makes me want to go back to school. Do they teach night courses


Oh my, DB this is your best one yet! Where do I enrol?!


They definitely do! Mr. Meadowhorn would love to have you sketch him! ;)


Haha, this is mine too. Plus he's such a big sweetheart, hard to resist!

Bryan Whiteman

I mean... I've always loved guesture drawing classes...


His comfy attitude is awesome, thanks DB!


You're welcome! Yeah, he's just a big bull who knows what he's about :]


Does he teach remedial art classes too? I need some close 1 on 1 tutoring.


Hm, he might have some time in his off hours for some intimate sessions...


You have a knack for drawing a nice sack; I like the way you draw 'em, and I like his!


What a cutie omg 😳


I think if the art classes I took were more this and less 'why are you doing a magic card back for the simple shading exercise why do you suck' I would've stuck with it more.

Doobige McBongbong

Art class was already my favorite, but looks like I need extra extra EXTRA credit

Anthony DiMartini

reminds me of a story years ago. Girl tried to sue a college because she didn't read the syllabus for a performing class that said there would be a day featuring nudity. got my attention because the teacher also stripped down, all in robes, so no one stood out


Really hate how stigmatized nudity is sometimes, especially when it's literally outlined in a syllabus/job description etc. /rolls eyes