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An older beast, whose story is yet to be told.

The retelling got some parts right. There was a terrible curse, cast to teach an important lesson. The young beast, the prince who we knew, was not the cause of his Kingdom's curse. In truth it was his father, a selfish, vain, foolhardy man who spurned a sorceress in peasant's clothes when she came to his door. The spell affected the old king, his son, and all of their servants. The foolish king fled from his castle that very night, bent on revenge against the one who cursed him, leaving his home and child behind. From there, many years later, we know his son met and fell in love with a maiden who changed his heart, but what of the father? Why didn't he return? Was it out of shame? Regret? 

Legends say he still roams the woods and countryside surrounding his former castle and far beyond, howling up at the night sky. His bellows sound not so angry anymore, but forlorn. Locals report that a bulky grey animal or beast steals into town when it's late to find food or a warm stable in which to sleep. Some of the more farfetched claims say he butchers livestock for the thrill, while others yet say he has a warmer side, and a very human need for companionship. 

His name is unspoken, and why his curse wasn't lifted when his son's was is still a matter for discussion. But it is recommended you steer clear of the deep, dark places of the forest at night unless you possess a brave and willing constitution! 





Siddharth Kumar

I love the little details you have put on him to make him look weary.


With all that fur, I just wanna cuddle with him ... is that a bad thing? Would he let me?


Oh I'm sure you could appeal to the softer side in him with a little patience. ;)


Daddy beast is even hotter!

Bryan Whiteman

you make long hikes into the woods sound INCREASINGLY appealing


I'll be little spoon in his cave...thank you very much! :3


He's too late to get his human shape back... but he deserves companionship and love in addition to lust - and there's plenty of men out there who want to see his smile. :)


Big hairy balls.