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Calculus can be a challenging subject at the best of times. When your professor is Mitchell Green, it's next to impossible! The koala is quirky, often muttering to himself, teetering on his step stool to reach the chalkboard, and writing out equations that seem to make no sense. Most of the other faculty members at the university agree that he must be brilliant, after all, he was hired on to be the Calculus professor, and his resume is very impressive. His students claim that his teaching methods leave much to be desired though, and he never really explains anything in a way that they understand, often leading to poor test scores. Mr. Green for his part feels too guilty to fail any of his students, so a lot of his free time is spent doing private tutoring. Again though, he's not a great instructor, but at least it forces his class to better study their text books!



Siddharth Kumar

He certainly sounds like my Advanced Mathematics professor. Unfortunately, he was not an eye candy.


Mmmm, pocket bears!


Ah, he's adorable! I want him as my teacher. :3

It's Jake

Man I love the way you do cel-shadinf DB, especially with all the flecks of shading in the fur and facial hair; everything just pops. It's a visual treat for the eyes. Great job as always, it was a pleasure watching this come together! 💪💪 (Shout outs to the way you drew his eyes; they're very cute...)


He resembles one maths/physics teacher at my high school somehow. :D


He looks rather cuddly. Does he do cuddles?


Wish I had had a maths teacher that cute!


Wanna learn here. Or teach here. One of 'em.

Bryan Whiteman

i love a small intellectual

Doobige McBongbong

Never thought a Dropbear could be attractive. You truly are a master.