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Barry Burton's gotten himself into a bit of a predicament. On the one hand, he should probably be filling Bitores full of lead. On the other hand, he seems to actually be getting into the filling he's receiving! Yeah, these two were never technically in a game together but hey, I can fantasize!

Resident Evil hunks and one of those cute Spanish villagers dressed down because dammit, some of 'em were real hot!



Anon Pseudo

This is great DB! I always liked Barry's design in RE, yours takes the cake for sure


Thx man! I don't think I changed his design much, just gave him huge thighs! XD


This is amazing, Barry is one of my all-time top video game crushes, and it's perfect for Halloween!


Well I wouldn't mind a Barry sandwich. One of the hottest RE characters ^^

Bryan Whiteman

i've seen sillier crack ships i personally welcome this


Barry providing that thick, nourishing, cream filling in said sandwich ofc!


Lol, yeah my thought process literally: They both big and bearded so...


aight...Im off


Barry needs more love in the series. And to be bearded. Forever.


Bitores is one of those characters I really got caught off guard by. Watched his cutscenes more than a few times