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Remember my polar bear teacher Mr. Pals from some months back? Well I've decided to do a series of furry faculty members from his University: Woodview Academy! This is Mr. Quick, the rabbit Rugby coach. He made a bet with his students that if they won their championship game, he would teach the next practice completely nude! Needless to say, his team never worked so hard for a victory! XD 



Frank Weber

Appearently, he is very competent at showing the youngsters how a grown man handles the situation.

Doobige McBongbong

Never in my life have I wanted to play contact sports more...than right now.


Yes please!! I need some personal, private training, coach!


Oh my. What a hunka lapine goodness.


The prosthetic leg is a hot touch.


No worries, he'll be happy to help you stretch your body in whatever ways it requires! ;)


Thx! I thought it was quite suitable. This character is actually modeled after an old PE teacher of mine.