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Some important information I'd like to pass along to everyone, so please take a moment to read this. This month marks my 1 year Patreon anniversary, and I must say I've learned a lot, worked hard, and thanks to all of you fine folk, had a wonderful time doing this! 

I am going to make art streams an ongoing thing, once weekly. For now this will be on Tuesday evenings. However, talking with my friends in Europe, this is literally the middle of the night for them so I'm going to work out another streaming time that works for them as well. More on this as it develops! I had originally wanted to make my streams for patrons only, but it turns out I would need a premium monthly Picarto subscription to be able to do private streams like that. At present, I just can't afford it. For now, all streams have to be public. Which leads me (in part) to my next point.

When I started my Patreon a year ago, I had a hard time seeing the value in my own work, and wasn't sure if anyone would like it enough to help support me financially. I thought, 'my illustrations are too niche and there are many artists better than me at this.' I undervalued my work and my skill level and this made me set my main tier pricing too low. 5 dollars, I think, is a steal for the amount of quality work I put out every month but ultimately, for me, it's just not sustainable. 

In the year that I've been doing this, I've gained confidence in my abilities. I've become more efficient, meaning I can produce more quality work more quickly, and my skill level has risen dramatically. In addition to these points, I am now offering free streaming, not blocked behind a paywall. For these reasons I am raising my 5 dollar tier to 7 dollars per month. This will only affect new patrons from this point on and take effect for the rest at the beginning of March.

I am very hopeful that you all can understand and appreciate why I'm raising my price. At the moment I still do not make enough from Patreon and commissions each month to get by without relying heavily on my husband. I would like to take some more of that burden off of him by bringing in a little extra each month, and I do believe my work is worth the small pay bump. In addition, this is not a decision I've made lightly. I've thought about it for months and decided now would be the best time to make the change. I will not make any other price adjustments for at least another year. 

As always, I will be putting out high-quality daddy smut for all of us to enjoy and hope I can count on your continued support. It's only thanks to your generosity that I've been able to create content this long, and I only plan to get better and better! Thank you for reading, and helping me grow as an artist.

*** EDIT***

Patreon does not allow tier pricing to be changed on currently active tiers so I will NOT be changing the price of my 5$ tier after all. I will be offering a higher tier option for people soon instead.



You’re worth every penny.


I hope the extra income helps, totally worth the extra 2 bucks


I really appreciate hearing that! Apparently Patreon doesn't allow me to edit existing tier prices though, I just discovered... -_-


It makes sense to up your price as your skills and your work increases in quality, more power to you!


You're the main reason I'm on Patreon. If you create a higher tier, I'll switch ASAP.


Thanks Xyverz, I appreciate that. I'm brainstorming on what a new higher tier can offer that won't require a ton of my barely existent free time!


Haha you are the only reason I have a Patreon account so far!


Yeah, your gogoat really got me haha