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When I awoke I was in unfamiliar surroundings. A cursory glance around the room suggested I was on a ship, likely an old one. I was lying down on a makeshift bed, blankets and a mattress atop metal crates. In spite of its appearance, it wasn't uncomfortable. I lifted the sheets from my lower body, surprised to discover I had been stripped, and moved to get up when menacing red eyes from the far side of the room stole my attention. I gasped as a figure, over seven feet tall emerged from the shadows to stand before me. A monstrous shape to be sure, covered in fur, mostly nude save for a few bits of scrap armor, with features that reminded me somewhat of a dog. I had trouble finding my voice, but before I could speak, the creature addressed me:

"I am the Garm." Said he, in a commanding way. "You are safe in this place." He came nearer the bed, and I scooted back on my rump in alarm.

"You are now my charge, and I live to provide you aid." Said the Garm.

"That's very kind of you." I managed. My eyes scanned the beast's body, lingering nervously on his eyes, sharp claws, and exposed genitals. "But why would you help me? Do you know me?"

"I know all of my charges, better than they know themselves." He said, and his straightforwardness was rather unsettling. 

"Still, I, I'm not sure I need your aid, I'm quite capable--" I began but he raised an immense paw to quiet me.

"When you are afraid, I will provide counsel and comfort. Should you feel cold, I will warm you against my fur. If you have trouble sleeping, lay your head upon my breast and fall asleep to the rhythm of my heartbeat."

"That's erm, rather intimate." I told the towering beast and blushed at his words. Now that my nervousness was subsiding, I began to feel a rush of other feelings. I wondered if the Garm could sense the change.

"Should you feel arousal, I shall lend you my body, in whichever ways please you. If you feel hungry, you will nourish yourself with my seed." The Garm said, his tone never changing. I was stunned over his frankness, and could already feel the flush of arousal he mentioned as my groin began to warm and throb.

The Garm was now standing directly beside me, his own strange alien erection pushing unmistakably up and out from his crotch. There was a strong, masculine odor about it. My mouth watered involuntarily. I couldn't remember the last time I had been with a man.

He laid one of his large paws gently at the back of my head and with the other pulled the sheet away, exposing my body to him. 

"I am the Garm." Said he. "You are safe with me."




Man, talk about cliff hanger. Now I want to know what led up to this pic

Roque (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-14 11:21:19 Uh... <3
2020-01-16 16:47:18 Uh... <3

Uh... <3


Lol, just me watching old episodes of Dr. Who from 1983. I saw the Garm's design recently and was like, 'I wonder if I can make him sexy!'


Are they able to convert others to look like them? If so... I want to be one! So handsome and sexy with the grey fur and dad bod!


I'm not sure! He was very enigmatic in the episodes, not much of anything explained about him, other than living to help others.