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Time to warm those jaws up gentlemen and get to suckin'! If you get down to the fur, that just means you're doing a good job! Gag and repeat! 

Lol, I don't have too much to add to this piece, just Mr. Grant without his swim trunks. :P




Heh. He's a big guy. Keep up the great work!


oh man you really have a knack for making hunky men. Makes it really hard to pick a favorite from your catalog. Keep up the good work.


And thanks to you folks, and Patreon they're only going to get better! ^_^

Doobige McBongbong

I definitely would not have a problem being the little spoon when the after sex snuggle happens


I think this is quite possibly the most masculine character of yours that I've seen. I like it!


He'd look good with that happy trail pressed up against my muzzle ;)


A problem? I'd consider it a blessing! He'd keep your back so toasty warm. :D


Well thank you! I blame beard and glasses combo, the look of champions. (I'm not biased!)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-14 11:22:08 I just love this guy <3
2019-10-24 16:32:25 I just love this guy <3

I just love this guy <3

Roque (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-14 11:22:08 ...uh... he makes me feel things. &lt;3
2019-10-26 02:49:13 ...uh... he makes me feel things. <3

...uh... he makes me feel things. <3