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One of the few games I'm currently playing on my phone is AFK Arena. It's fun, it's simple to pick up and play and I can do everything in the game without spending a dime. I also love the character designs and aesthetic.

This is Thoran, a King who was murdered and raised again using dark magics. He's my main tank, and I think he's awesome. I've actually been wanting to draw him since I started playing many months ago, but risen viking kings are for best in October!




Undead viking king? What a nice and hot combo 😍


I think so too! I'm not usually into the 'hot zombie' idea, but it's Halloween season, so who am I to fight it?


I know that you know: Give it a beard and it's hot 😋


It seems we both agree on one thing. If it has a beard, it's hot... and the longer it is, the better and hotter it is. I love this and look forward to the finished version.


I MOSTLY agree with you. I love me some beards, but I have seen some crazy-long, unkempt and dirty-lookin' ones in my life that I just couldn't find sexy. : /


I really wanted to keep playing this game but I just stopped being able to progress.


I mostly agree with you on that. Some unkempt beards can work, like for biker thugs and barbarians... but yeah, I will agree that there is a limit to how long a beard can get before it stops being sexy. Hey, I'd like to chat with you if you dont mind. By chance would you have a Discord or Telegram?


I hadda go Google him. The lipless version doesn't do much for me, but your version is VERY woofy!


Thx Xy! Yeah, I always kinda give guys the Dudebulge treatment to make them more sexy to me. XD