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Here it is, the long-awaited Mario RPG group scene and woo-boy, this was the single most-involved illustration I've ever done! This is what a whole combined week's worth of work looks like. I am exhausted, but I'm really, really pleased with the end result! Because I spent so much time on it, I think I'll give some unnecessary descriptions below. :P

Foreground tier: Croco the crook getting some deep tongue-fucking by Boshi, who in turn is getting his tight bud examined by a very interested Frogfucius. (Guess the old amphibian didn't take a vow of chastity!)

Middleground tier: Mario balls-deep, impressed by Booster's huge load as it covers the Chancellor's face and reaches the plumber's chest too! Dodo gushes inside King Nimbus, the king shocked by his own hands-free orgasm while Master Jinx on a rock nearby, enjoys the show.

Background tier: Smithy doesn't look quite so intimidating on his back as his Axem Rangers use his mighty hammer to give him some much-needed stimulation. A K-9 licks his fat cock as he watches intently. Unfortunately for the Axem Rangers, Belome the Insatiable is having trouble deciding between eating the participants of the orgy or joining in! The Royal Bus Driver sits on Geno's face aboard his cloud bus while Bowser shoots his wad over his belly and face feeling Jonathan Jones' two fat shark dicks ram in and out of him simultaneously!

Some final notes: I gave Belome hands b/c in the game he just has little tube arms and I didn't like the look of them for this scene. Gave Smithy more color variation in his design because it was just too much of the same gray. Bowser I will always draw with a beard. Why? To my knowledge I'm the first one to give him this big, full beard look and I'm fucking owning it, also, everyone and their brother draws Bowser and I want mine to stand out from the rest. 

Lastly, works like this just are not possible without Patreon and you fine folks giving me the means and opportunity to create them. This was a huge labor of love, (and lust!) and frankly I would not have been able to stick with it otherwise. Anyway, really hope y'all enjoy this pic and as always, happy fapping!




can i just say, you make the sexiest Bowser, and i would be incredibly jealous of peach if that's how bowser looked in game


I love that werewolf guy ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


I really love your bearded Bowser ^^


Everybody loves dog characters, so I included pretty much the only one from this game! :P (Yes I know there's a pallet swap!)


Well, luckily my version of Bowser is canonically into dudes. ;) Peach be damned!


Ahhh I love it so much! <3 <3 <3 I love Croco's expression!


Huge fan of bearded Bowser here! Also really like Jonathan Jones the Pirate and Smithy!


Thank you! I felt really good during the sketch phase, they all just kinda came together for me. :)


Why yes Croco and Boshi make a cute canon pairing. Same taste in footwear. Huzzah for Johnny and Bowser - they would make an awesome on again off again pairing. Overall - this is a fantastic piece dood!


Croco and Boshi actually ARE together in the game! In the ending scenes after one beats the game, it shows Croco has gone to the Yoshi Island and is hanging out with Boshi, having a friendly race with him. So I mean, pals at least but, probably more. ;] And thx buddy, had a great time making it!


Honestly, I've been following you ever since the 1st black and white image with bowser with a beard and fell in love with your work with all the beard stuff you do! Even inspired me to do a bearded bowser as well and now posted that up! <3 thank you for bringing him in!


You're very welcome, and so happy to hear that my work inspired you! Thx for the long-time following! :D


So been playing super mario odyssey lately and i remembered this picture, just saying you can put mario in nothing but underwear and a cowboy hat and im not sure im going to change this