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May has been a wonderful month in terms of attracting some new supporters, and welcome everyone to my Patreon! I hit 76 patrons today which means I'm just over halfway to my first milestone goal of setting up art streams! ^_^ I can't wait to get there, I know it'll be fun, and hopefully interesting for all of you folks as well, seeing my process and being able to interact with me in real time while I draw! I'm excited about it, and now it feels like I'm much closer to doing just that! 

I still have a few pieces to get finished before May ends, including of course another Kobold's Bodyguard page, and a piece to celebrate Mermay! Stay tuned!



Congrats on the new patreons. I know you'll get to your goal. I'm rooting for you


Gratz dude! Can't wait for the pics and streams you eventually will so 😋


Woot woot! You can do it dood!