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I shotgunned 4 seasons of the anime Overlord over the weekend b/c my husband was out of town and this guy is in it. It wasn't bad, I kinda enjoyed it in places. It does have a LOT of daddy eyecandy though, everything from lizardmen and dwarves to dragons and this ridiculously dapper butler here. I was worried he'd get very little screen time, or have a terrible personality or character trait since he's part of the main bad guy's team but I was pleasantly surprised. Instead Sebas is a kind man who values justice above all else and is a main focus in season 2. Handsome old butlers are one of my (by this point) many forms of male kryptonite, and drawing them with their coats and gloves on with no pants is becoming something of a trademark lol.




an excellent character of Sebas, you chose very well DB is one of the sexiest in the anime

El Pringle

Ooof I hope he makes more appearances in various compromising situations 😍