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Recently someone in my discord posted images of this mostly unknown DC comics character: Harry Force and I paid attention! He comes from a super-powered family - The Force Family, and his own power is the ability to transform into a monstrous, furry were creature. When he's in his human form he's a Canadian cowboy covered in body hair with a beautiful bushy beard. When he changes from his monster form back into cowboy mode he always ends up naked in the comics and he canonically is hairy from head to toe too! There's nothing about him I don't vibe with and I figured some of you fine folk would like to learn a little about him too. :)

In other news: This is my 1000th post on Patreon. O_O Dayum, where does the time go? I guess I was destined to get here eventually but it sure does feel like a real milestone to me. Thank you all for supporting me this far and helping me grow confident in a career that I genuinely love. Illustrating all these different gentlemen over the years has only helped me improve and make some pretty cool artwork along the way. Here's to reaching 2000!








Damn! Your 1000th post and a freaking hot one at that! I love it!