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In 2019/2020 I started drafting a "Remastered" version of the classic Submission Agenda chapter "Rikers Island Rapist," in which Scarlet Witch takes a still-resistant Black Cat to prison to reunite her with a serial rapist the vigilante helped put behind bars. With some prodding and the help of Miles' sensitizing fluids, Black Cat eventually caves to her darkest impulses and gives her body to the vile convict.

It's a truly hot scene and one that has been much requested over the years. When I set out to do a series of SA Remasters, this was near the top of the list. I think it was abandoned as other projects took my interest... looking back at this now I can see it had promise but there's still something wanting in the panel compositions and layouts, IMO. 

Still, it would have been cool to go back and finish this, as it's the final missing piece of the MJ/Black Cat saga that stretches across at least five different chapters of Submission Agenda

Enjoy this sneak peek of a project that never came to be!



J Arco

This would've been so fucking epic. Wonder if Scarlet Witch would've brought MJ in on the fun too. Help break that slut down even more.