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I have some important news to share about the future of this Patreon.

This year has been extraordinarily busy for me -- I've had to move across the country, take on new responsibilities in my full-time job, and work on several side projects at the same time. As a result, I haven't been able to maintain the same level of commitment to my porn comics and the work I do for you here. 

Though I'm sure you know I still have many stories to tell -- new chapters of Submission Agenda, Whores of Darkseid, Bang My Bully, and more -- the simple fact of the matter is I don't have the time to work on any of them, for at least the next year. So I have made the decision to take an indefinite hiatus from this Patreon. 

What does this mean? Well, it will probably affect my two tiers differently. 

Main Feed: I'd like to continue posting work on my Main Feed, at least for a little while. I plan to publish Two Hot Blondes Part Two weekly on my Main Feed after Bang My Bully #1 concludes. 

Extras: I won't have sketches or previews of upcoming work to share on my Extras tier anymore, so this tier will change drastically after this month. I may remove it entirely, or I may start publishing a second weekly story on it just to keep it alive (maybe Whores of Darkseid #1). As always, I'm open to your suggestions and honest feedback on what you think I should do in this case.

I expect that some time in the next year, both tiers will likely need to shut down and the Patreon will be deactivated. I may continue posting work on SubscribeStar, until I run out of content to share. I don't expect that to last longer than another year either.

This has been a very difficult decision, but I'm at peace with it. I love making porn comics and I'll always be grateful for the fans and friends I've made through this platform. But porn was taking up too much of my time and I need to focus my efforts elsewhere. I don't intend to start making porn again after I shut this Patreon down. 

I'm sorry I had to tell you like this. I owe a sincere thank you to everyone who's pledged here, even just for a month. Your support has meant the world to me, and it's more than I ever imagined. I'm happy to take any questions either here or in DMs if you wish.





What happens with comics we bought but were given Imgur links to access? Do those ever expire?


To my knowledge, no, they do not expire. Those imgur links will remain up, I won't take them down. I'd say make sure you bookmark them or download them if you want to be sure. There is also a pinned link in my Main Feed with links to all my work on imgur, and I won't be taking that down for a while either.


I'm happy for you that you are successful in your work, even if you risk to posting. Any chance you're working on "Game Over Girl (Tomb Raider)" or Game of Thrones again ?