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Hey Extras gang, 

Happy Thanksgiving!

One more post for the month -- another sneak preview of the upcoming "remastered" Black Widow/She-Hulk chapter. After humiliating and violating Natasha, Miles uses the Phoenix Force to show her what's happening on the other side of the city, as her friend Jennifer Walters, the sensational She-Hulk, confronts two would-be looters. With his powers, it's child's play for Miles to render She-Hulk powerless and turn the tables on her drastically... as you can see.

This chapter will be fully rendered out like all my recent Submission Agenda work -- I hope the backgrounds can lend it a real sense of place, whether it be the high-rise Manhattan offices of Miles' Hellfire Club, or the back alleys of the Bronx. 

Likewise, I hope the shading and the new bulked-up musculature of She-Hulk helps make her identity way more obvious than it was in the original draft of this chapter. I'm in the process of adding shading to some of the later pages now, and I'm really excited with how it's turning out. It's great to see these pages fully rendered after years of only having pencil sketches! 

Looking forward to sharing this finished chapter with you all early next year. Cheers!



Miriam Garrity

Looks great, and She-Hulk is one of my favorites!

Miriam Garrity

Oh and I really personally appreciate the changes and “enhancements” you made to Jen’s assailants... ;)


Thanks. I went back and forth on that decision -- I could have made them literal neo-Nazi skinheads and thought about it, but ultimately went with the "urban looter" angle which felt very relevant in 2020.