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Hey gang,

Instead of a $10 tier this month, I'll be offering new Limited-Time tiers featuring never-before-seen Submission Agenda chapters. I want to give you, my patrons, the chance to vote on which chapter(s) you want to be offered this month, but first I want to give you little teasers so you know what you'll be getting.

Here's a brief synopsis:

Submission Agenda: Winner Takes All (31 pages)

Miles strikes at the heart of the Avengers –challenging Carol Danvers, the mighty Captain Marvel, to a one-on-one bout. The overconfident heroine takes the bait, not realizing how much she truly stands to lose. This is the final, polished version of the classic Ms. Marvel chapter, with a new prologue and epilogue and five never-before-seen pages.




No offense, but that one needed a redo the most. The only other version I’ve seen of this looks sketchy and largely unfinished. To be fair, though, it’s also a lot more dynamic and action packed than the other chapters, and I hope that carries over into the redo.


No, I think you’re right. This chapter will benefit from full inks in a way many of the other chapters wouldn’t. Miles’ suit is full black and that doesn’t come across super well in the penciled version. The setting of the abandoned warehouse also does a lot for the story, and you need backgrounds to really understand that. I’ve also rearranged some panel layouts in a way I think helps the action flow a lot better than it even did in the original