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Hey guys,

Here's one last preview before the release of Submission Agenda: Silver Sable's Payment -- these 3 pages of dialogue-free lineart! It's been really fun to go back and revisit the Submission Agenda storyline and characters with a new eye and a new style, and I'm really trying to crank the sex factor on this to 11. In a way it feels like I'm drawing the ultimate expressions of these characters I started drawing more than a decade ago.

This chapter in particular is an old favorite that I never thought I'd actually fully illustrate. Then, over the course of a couple weeks, it all came together. Now I can share it with you.

Submission Agenda: Silver Sable's Payment debuts with weekly pages posting on the Main Feed starting May 1.Or, sign up on the $20 tier before April 30 to receive the full chapter on May 1.

Look for more EXTRAS content here in just a few days, on April 14! I'll be sharing some progress pages from an unannounced all-new chapter of Submission Agenda.




This sort of reminds me of that terrifically under-rated sexy scene in the 2nd Matrix movie, where the Merovingian slips that supermodel the aphrodisiac-laced chocolate cake, and the scene is her slowly going nuts in the middle of the dinner party as the Merovingian calmly narrates a parable of the situation in the background.


I’ll take that comparison! Now imagine if that scene devolved into a full on gangbang of the supermodel while the Merovingian fucks Monica Bellucci.