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A mutant teenager with unspeakable power. A checklist of heroines with no idea what's coming. An insidious plot to end the Marvel Universe as we know it...

Happy 2020, patrons! I wanted to share a very special preview on this first day of the new year, to commemorate the first anniversary of my Patreon(!) and to show you what's in store for the year ahead.

Submission Agenda is coming back in 2020 with 4 all-new chapters in the works. I'm going back to where it all began, my first comic, to fill in some cracks, tie off some loose ends, and expand Miles' prodigious harem (of course).

I think you all are you gonna dig these chapters and I can't wait to share them with you. Schedule is subject to change, but this is something I'm pretty excited about.

Let me know what you think! Are you glad to see Submission Agenda coming back? Sound off in the comments.



alex baker

I am happy to see whatever you got and I am never disappointed

alex baker

silver sabel gangbang yum


Oh yeah finally getting an ending


Actually, not yet. Maybe I should’ve clarified in the post, but these will 4 new chapters will NOT include the long-awaited finale to Submission Agenda. I started that chapter years ago and never finished it, and I have some of the sketches and inks that I will eventually share on my EXTRAS feed. But I will have to start it all over again before delivering a finished product, and that won’t be for a long time — certainly well after these are posted. dont worry — I think you’ll enjoy these chapters more than an ending anyway!

That Faceless Dude

Yes! Long awaited return of Submission Agenda.


So what is Miles' full name?


Never gave him one! And I think I avoided actually using his name in any of the actual chapters as well.


Oh man, Psylocke's always been my favorite X-girl! She helped me get through puberty. Asian ninja girl with a British accent. I mean, damn.


That's great to hear. I think you're really going to love her chapter, it's delightful (if I do say so myself). I 'm still in the process of inking/shading it, but I know it's going to be the longest of this new batch of chapters – 24 pages! I initially planned to call these "Submission Agenda MINIS" but that title doesn't seem very apropos anymore -- they're basically full-length!


All hail Pegasus! Hail! Hail! Hail!!!

Chris Davis

I can't wait! I love all of your work, but those comics were the best!!