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Hello again!

One more piece of EXTRAS content for you this month. You won't see this comic for a few months, but I want to give you your first look at the Red Sonja comic I have teased. It'll be a story on the shorter side – 13 pages – and I'm going to be posting it 2 pages at a time in the Main Feed as a palette cleanser before Submission Agenda. As you can see, it will have some color. I don't want to spoil what this story is going to be, but I think it's really special and really different.Can't wait to share it.

Look forward to one more big EXTRAS post this month -- on Thanksgiving in the US (Nov 28).

See you then,





It's seem interresting and promising.


Can't wait for this!

Miriam Garrity

Looks great! Red Sonja is one of my favorites, can’t wait to see what you do with her!


Oh, nice. Love the touch of the partial color; very suitable for a subject like Sonja the Red.


Thanks! I’m gonna be posting more single-panel teaser images in the months ahead so stay tuned!


Thanks very much! Yeah color seemed necessary for this one and I liked the contrast of white and red

bob bobby

Do you have a schedule for your posts or will it just be when you have work finished?


I love the variety. Between superheroes and fantasy settings, we definitely won't get bored, and Sonja's world in particular has so many types of monsters that can be used!


I have posts planned for the next couple of months for both the Main Feed and Extras. Some are done already but I don't want to post them until the current story is concluded


Yeah, what Spassmacher said! Plus, Sonja always had that interesting "No man may know Red Sonja, save by victory in combat!" Sounds like ready-made R-bait for you, Pegasus! I am fascinated to see where you take this!