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Yeah, that's about how I thought that would go. Incredibly, her ass already looks amazing in that last panel, even with her outfit still on. I wonder if the Lord of Light can bring back the decapitated...


Do I sense a Black Panther reference with that "Is this your king?" line? LMAO Either way, Daenerys is looking finer with each panel the more I see of her. Do you do a ref sheet design before you start with the comics because if so, those would be cool to see. Regardless, keep up the good work. I'm slightly more invested in this than I was with Cammy.


Haha, you might sense that reference. I'm trying to keep this series light and fun as it is a farce and an over-the-top parody. I don't always make a ref sheet. Sometimes I do, to get certain details right like boots or seams in outfits. Many comics start with me drawing a single image of the main female character from several angles just to get a feel for her before jumping in. I'm glad you're more invested in this chapter -- I hope it holds your attention!


Thanks! I try to keep something sexy on every page and make every panel pop as much as possible. No spoilers, but I don't think Jon's coming back from this one.