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Hey Folks, we’re gonna talk about it more during the stream, but today we’re making some changes to the patreon, which includes adding new tiers and rewards.

  • First off, we’ve finally made a VOD channel(!) which will backup all of our streams on youtube forever, so going forward, nothing we do will be lost to the aether. This is being made available at the lowest patreon tier, since we think it’s probably the most desired reward. However, we are also making the choice to increase our lowest tier from $1 to $2. This is for several reasons. First off, after patreons’ fees, for a $1 pledge, we only receive $0.67. For a $2 pledge, we would keep $1.64, a substantial increase. Even patreon itself recommends not making your lowest tier below $3. That being said, anybody who has already pledged $1, will still be in our fan-made pokemon game that Chris is working on.
  • Our $5 tier, which previously was mostly just to provide a way for folks to give more, if they so choose, now has some benefits! Each month, one of our Friday streams will be a variety stream, and much like our community stream votes, this tier gets to influence what we play on that stream! Also, later this year, we’ll be starting a DnD campaign and everyone in this tier will have an NPC named after them, immortalizing them in our goofy content.
  • A new $10 tier, the “fans of fans” tier, provides everything before, and gives more voting power for influencing our variety streams and will net you a named shoutout during each stream (“Thanks to ____, ____, and _____!”)!

We’re really excited for 2022, and all the content we have planned. It’s genuinely incredible that we have been able to form such an amazing community around our dumb jokes and we hope you understand just how grateful we all our for your continued support!


P.S. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!



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